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Title:Constructing Induction Rules for Deductive Synthesis Proofs
Authors: Alan Bundy ; Lucas Dixon ; Jeremy Gow ; Jacques Fleuriot
Date: 2005
Publication Title:Proceedings of the Workshop on the Constructive Logic for Automated Software Engineering (CLASE 2005), Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
Publication Type:Conference Paper
Volume No:153(1) Page Nos:3-21
We describe novel computational techniques for constructing induction rules for deductive synthesis proofs. Deductive synthesis holds out the promise of automated construction of correct computer programs from specifications of their desired behaviour. Synthesis of programs with iteration or recursion requires inductive proof, but standard techniques for the construction of appropriate induction rules are restricted to recycling the recursive structure of the specifications. What is needed is induction rule construction techniques that can introduce novel recursive structures. We show that a combination of rippling and the use of meta-variables as a least-commitment device can provide such novelty.
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Bibtex format
author = { Alan Bundy and Lucas Dixon and Jeremy Gow and Jacques Fleuriot },
title = {Constructing Induction Rules for Deductive Synthesis Proofs},
book title = {Proceedings of the Workshop on the Constructive Logic for Automated Software Engineering (CLASE 2005), Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
year = 2005,
volume = {153(1)},
pages = {3-21},
url = {},

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