- Abstract:
The development of the semantic web ensures that the facilitation of agent communication is an issue of increasing importance. It is usually assumed that agents are using the same ontology and hence can understand one another, but the dynamic and distributed nature of the semantic web mean that this is not always a valid assumption. In this paper, we describe a system we have specified that can dynamically discover ontological mismatches between agents during communication and then refine them, so that communication between these agents is facilitated.
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- Bibtex format
- @InProceedings{EDI-INF-RR-0251,
- author = {
Fiona McNeill
and Alan Bundy
and Christopher Walton
- title = {Diagnosing and Repairing Ontological Mismatches},
- book title = {Procs of Starting AI Researchers' Symposium 2004},
- year = 2004,
- month = {Jul},
- url = {http://dream.dai.ed.ac.uk/projects/dor/},
- }