- Abstract:
The richness and expressivity of standard ontology representations and the limitations on expressivity required by modern planners have resulted in a situation where it is hard for an agent both to have a rich ontology and be capable of efficient planning. We discuss how translation between different kinds of representation can allow an agent to have different versions of the same ontology, so that it can simultaneously meet different demands of expressivity. We introduce our ontology refinement system (ORS), in which these ideas are implemented.
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- Bibtex format
- @InProceedings{EDI-INF-RR-0244,
- author = {
Fiona McNeill
and Alan Bundy
and Christopher Walton
- title = {Planning from rich ontologies through translation betweeen representations},
- book title = {Procs of ICAPS'05 workshop on The Role of Ontologies in Planning and Scheduling},
- year = 2005,
- month = {Jun},
- url = {http://dream.dai.ed.ac.uk/projects/dor/},
- }