Informatics Fourth Year Honours Course Guide
Keeping healthy and happy

Inevitably in 4th year you will spend substantial amounts of time sitting in front of a computer screen. This is a good time to develop healthy working habits that will stand you in good stead for a lifetime of working with computers.

Although you have access to the terminal rooms most of the day, this is to give you freedom to allocate your time as you wish rather than as an encouragement for you to work unsocial hours. Perhaps you work well at night, but if you make it a habit then you will either miss out on a lot of sleep or end up with problems as a result of not attending lectures or tutorials in the day. Good time management obviously helps you to avoid having to do "all night sessions" when a deadline comes. Making maximal use of the periods in the day between lectures and tutorials is well worth the effort if it means that you can have whole evenings and weekends off. It really is important to develop a lifestyle where work and leisure activities (including some physical exercise) are both given adequate space. But this does not come automatically—you have to plan to make it happen.

When you are involved for a long period in the terminal room, bear in mind the following points:

If you experience problems with eye strain or tingling or pain in the arms, please make sure that you see your doctor. For people who are experiencing problems, the School may be able to make available corrective devices (e.g., wrist and foot rests).

The following web page may be useful to get more information about the health risks of prolonged computer use and how you can help to avoid them: Amara's RSI Page

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