Types and Programming Languages

Types and Programming Languages is a Level 10 course given in Semester 2, aimed at 4th year students.
Check the ITO course descriptor for the syllabus.


Lectures are held on Mondays and Thursdays at 10am in JCMB 3315.

Most lectures use Benjamin Pierce's course notes, available here.


Some exercises are based around OCaml implementations of the type systems studied.

The starting points for these implementations are given by the checkers described in TAPL, available for download.


Most of the course is based closely on the textbook Types and Programming Languages by Benjamin C. Pierce, MIT Press, 2002.
References for other material will be provided as necessary in lectures.


Here are some other useful resources:

Past instances of the course


The exam paper will contain three questions of which you should answer two. The time allowed will be 1hr45 minutes.

Philip Wadler
Last modified: Mon Mar 5 11:06:33 GMT 2007

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