Social and technological network


For example projects, see past projects from the Stanford course..

Project submission guidelines -- what to submit

The submission should include:

  1. Report Individual report. pdf, 4 pages max. Optionally with appendix that will not be marked.
  2. Code The code you have implemented, along with scripts that run the code and plot the results.
  3. Examples Example of running the different experiments to get the important plots. This should be a pdf that shows the commands and the corresponding plots for a small dataset that can be processed easily. If you are using ipython notebook, simply printing the notebook to pdf after creating all the plots should do the trick.
  4. (Optionally) The ipython notebook if you are using ipython.
  5. Dataset The dataset. The actual data may be too large to submit, in which case put your data in a publicly readable folder and make sure your program reads from there.

More details on these elements are given below.

How to submit.

Instructions to be given out soon.

If you are using virtual dice, you should know that in the past virtual dice has had problems executing submissions.

Parts of the submission


The report should be a 3-4 pages pdf document (including references). Shorter and concise is better! Make sure to describe everything in your own words. Remember to put the title of your project and mention your team. The report should include:

  1. Problem statement. Clearly define what is the problem you were studying. Explain the problem and its importance. Include a mathematical formulation if possible. Keep in mind that the description should be readable by anyone without specialized knowledge.

  2. Related work. Mention any relevant papers and state what problem they are solving and the general approach. Don't describe all the details, just clarify how your work is different.

  3. Your solution/approach. Describe in details your idea for solving the problem. Show why it is different from previous work where possible. Explain why the problem is challenging, explain what your ideas are and justify them. Time may not permit you do everything, in which case explain what you are presenting here and what can be done later.

  4. Results. Describe your results: algorithms, proofs, general arguments and analysis. Give plots, tables that show your results. Discuss them. You need to explain the results and their importance to us. We were not there during the work, so we cannot understand things that you do not explain. Discuss what else can be done on this topic etc.

Appendix. You can attach an appendix of up to 3 pages with any additional plots, results and proofs that might be important. This can include results from your teammate that may be relevant to your discussions. You will not be marked on the appendix, these are supporting material to validate what you say in the report. You can cite material in the appendix from your main report, but keep in mind that we may not read it. So the main report has to be understandable on its own.

The code

This should be readable and well commented. The generally good way to structure it is to write code for important elements: classes, functions etc, and then to call them from different scripts, passing suitable arguments like data file, parameter values etc. ipython notebook may be good for this.


We would like to sometimes run your algorithm to see that it works. So if possible, provide a guideline pdf. This can simply consist of what command to run to which plot. And any comment you would like to include. These examples should be in terms of some small datasets, for example, those you use for testing while writing code.

Including an ipython notebook can be the easy thing to do if you are using ipython.

This should also contain clear instructions on how to run your code on a different dataset if needed.

Ideally, your code should run on DICE. (you don't have to work on it, just try to make sure the code runs.) If it is not possible to run it on DICE, please provide clear instructions on how we may be able to run it on other computers.


Submitting the dataset may be impractical if it is larger than a few megabytes. Please put it in a folder and make the folder readable by all on DICE. This can be done by running the following command from the parent directory:

chmod -R a+r <folder_name>

In your submitted code and example codes above, use the absolute full path to the folder on dice. You can find the path to any directory by running


From inside the directory. This way, we will be able to run your code on the data without you having to submit the data. Test that this is working before submitting.

The dataset can also contain the small sample datasets for the examples above, and any cleaned/modified.reformatted versions of data you are using.

If your main dataset is too large for storing on your account, please provide the link to the original dataset, or put it on a cloud service and provide that link so that we can download.

Project tips

You will be marked on trying new ideas, justifying them and explaining clearly. Ideas may not always work out well, but your should be able to justify your decisions and ideas.

Group work:


Project management.


* Plan/Proposal deadline: October 27, any time. One proposal for the group is sufficient. (You can post individually if you are doing different projects.) See guideline here

Project plan/proposal guideline

Deadline October 27 (any time).

The purpose of this plan is to make sure that you are prepared for the project and have some ides to go about doing it. The proposal is not marked.

Submit a 1 page (not more) pdf document for your group. The document should contain:

  1. Team. Mention your team in the document: names and student ids.

  2. Problem statement or hypthesis. The statement of what you are solving has to be more preceise than the topic description given to you. A problem statement or hypthesis shows that you have thought about the topic and have come up with an objective that can be used to check if your project achieves the objective or not. This can be designing an algorithm or technique, or metric etc with certain properties (problem statment), or checking if a system or dataset exhibits certain patterns (hypothesis). (It is okay if in the end the objective is not quite achieved. But we should be clear about it.)

  3. Importance. State why you think the problem is interesting and relevant - think of a few real scenarios -- where exactly will this be useful?

  4. The relevant dataset. State which attributes of the data you will use to solve the problem. Why the dataset is sufficient and has all the information needed for your project.

  5. Related work. Which other papers have already addressed the same/similar problem? And optionally, how will your work be different?

  6. Preliminary ideas. Highlight a few techniques that you are planning to explore in the project. The more original the better! Don't be shy to try whacky ideas if you can justify them!

  7. Evaluation and Baselines. How would you show that your solution is good and your observations are meaningful? Usually this is done by comparing with "baselines" -- existing simple methods or standard networks. How would you do evaluation? What are your baselines?

  8. Schedule/Timeline. What are the intermediate stages for your project? When do you expect to finish each of those?

Additional consideration: How do would you split the work in the team? Who will submit what in final version? Plan this from now. Your marking will be separate. You can include this in the plan if you wish.

Additional consideration: Computation time. How long will it take to run things on the data? Of course, you cannot know this exactly, but try some simple computations on the data so that you get some idea. If the computation is too time consuming for a large dataset you are using, how would you adapt your approach? You do not need to submit this.

It may not be possible to answer all the questions above perfectly at this stage, but do try to answer them all to save issues later on.

Submission instruction

On Piazza, post a note in the project folder, with the proposal as a pdf attachment. You are free to post it publicly, in which case other classmates can see the discussion.

Put an appropriate title for the note. In the body of the post, mention your team, and any specific questions or discussion points you have. We will try to answer them.