Software Testing: Guidelines for Tutorials

Tutorials are designed to help you with the four group tasks of the practical and the preparation on the same subjects for the exam. The attendance of the 3 tutorials is essential for clarifying the requirements for the tasks and the ways of tackling them, helping you to obtain better marks in the practical and exam.

Tutorials for Software Testing are organised differently than for other courses: you choose when to do them (depending on the tutor's consultation hours) and you MUST demonstrate that you have prepared before requesting to do them. Each tutorial is supported by a tutor who may be consulted at any time on its subject. The tutor will ONLY run a tutorial during his/her office hours, for two groups at a time and once the two groups have sent him/her solutions to preparatory work.

To attend a tutorial for a task please follow these steps:

  1. Consult the task for the list of preparatory activities- reading and work.
  2. Make the preparatory reading.
  3. Draft your solutions to: a) the tutorial mentioned in the preparatory activites and b) the current task of the practical as well as you can.
  4. Make a separate list of questions regarding your difficulties in doing the preparatory work. Don't just ask "Is this right/wrong?", but try to find the source of your misunderstanding (e.g. ask "What is the difference between partitions and value classes?" instead of "Have we correctly identified partitions/value classes?"). Asking the right questions will give you the right answers!
  5. AT LEAST TWO DAYS BEFORE THE TUTORIAL contact the tutor for the task with your:
    • draft solution to the tutorial
    • draft solutions to the task
    • list of questions

The tutor will check your draft solutions and, if needed, email you back with advice on how to improve them before the tutorial. Once your solutions are considered good enough by the tutor, he/she will ask you to choose all the dates and times when you are available for the task from her list of consultation hours. It is your responsibility to ensure that all, or at least the majority of members of the group are available at that time. The tutor will announce the time for the tutorial when two groups have agreed on the same time slot. Please avoid changing your mind about the time slot after the time for the tutorial has been agreed on.

Please bring to the tutorial a hard copy of your (last) solutions and questions to hand in to the tutor.


Task 1: Stuart Anderson Consultation hours: Doodle poll for this week, please register with your group name and try to arrange so two groups book into the same time.

Task 2: Donal Stewart Consultation hours: Doodle poll giving Donal's initial availability. Please try to coordinate with another group to book two groups at the same time.

Task 3: Hadi Daneshvar Consultation hours: Doodle poll giving Donal's initial availability. Please try to coordinate with another group to book two groups at the same time.

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