SEOC2: SE Material from CS2

Undergraduate students enrolled in the regular sequence of courses leading to SEOC2 in 2004-2005 will presumably have taken a version of CS2 in which Dave Robertson presented the Software Engineering material below. These topics form the core around which SEOC2 is based, and are crucial for understanding this course.

Methodologies Slides Lecture notes
Measurement Slides Lecture notes
Software size Slides Lecture notes
Risk reduction patterns Slides Lecture notes
Verification and validation Slides Lecture notes
Standards Slides (see notes on failures below)
Economics of quality Slides Lecture notes
Software failures Slides Lecture notes
Retrospective overview Slides

The slides provide the general outline, and the lecture notes add some more details and background.

MSc students and transfer students (and any other students who have not mastered this material already) should study the slides and notes. Where appropriate, be sure to look at the further reading books and web sites to which they refer.

All other students should review this material to ensure that they have indeed mastered the topics and are ready to apply them. In particular, you should be comfortable agreeing to all of the statements in the Retrospective overview.

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