Lecture log

These notes are intended to record very briefly what I think happened at each meeting. Anything in italics is a prediction, not a record!

12/1/00 Meeting 1

Revision of the basics of UML which were covered in SEOC1. Hand out of Coursework 2 (sic). Pyramid discussions on (a) what is design? (b) what tool support exists for design? (c) what tool support should exist for design?

14/1/00 Meeting 2

Talked about Argo/UML, the design tool which we will use in this course (though you're encouraged to use others too).

More advanced features of class diagrams.

To do before next lecture:

19/1/00 Meeting 3

Learning good solutions to common problems: Composite, and principles of design patterns and their use.

Handouts: "update pack" for old editions of Using UML; notes on Composite and on patterns in general covering some of the material of the lecture; an article from Communications of the ACM on patterns in UML. (This last brings in things we'll be discussing later in the course as well as patterns. For now, concentrate on the range of patterns used and the use of UML to represent them.)

To do before next lecture:

21/1/00 Meeting 4

Refactoring: improving the design of existing code.

Handouts: a draft of an article on web resources concerning patterns, which includes the rest of what we covered on patterns last lecture; notes on refactoring.

To do before next lecture:

26/1/00 Meeting 5

Development methodologies 1: the Unified Process. A use-case driven, architecture-centric, controlled-iterative process. Also covered more advanced use-case notation.

Handouts: Exercise 1 and a paper needed for exercise 1 (The Dependency Inversion Principle).

To do before next lecture:

28/1/00 Meeting 6

Layers as an architectural pattern. UML notation useful for describing architecture: structure of the physical system, structure of the design. Development methodologies 2: Extreme Programming

Handouts: notes on development methodologies and architecture.

To do before next lecture:

2/2/00 Meeting 7

Thinking about designs: you worked each in one of 10 groups on a design problem, and prepared 3 minute presentations on what you discussed.

4/2/00 Meeting 8

Presentations and discussion arising from 6 of the 10 groups (concerning patterns State, Visitor and Observer).

To do before next lecture:

9/2/00 Meeting 9

Remaining presentations and discussion (concerning patterns Decorator and Strategy).

Overview of rest of course.

Quality in software: brainstorming of attributes which are relevant; reading from Peopleware about in what sense "quality is free".

Midterm questionnaire about learning experiences in SEOC2.

11/2/00 Meeting 10

Feedback on questionnaire.

Quality and quality assurance, product and process focussed. ISO9001, CMM, TQM. Organisation vs individual driven. What has UML to do with quality?

Handout: notes on quality and quality assurance.

16/2/00 Meeting 11

Configuration management, both in its own right and as key process area.

Handout: notes on configuration management; paper reproduced with permission from CrossTalk, which is a useful source of short papers.

18/2/00 Meeting 12

Verification and validation: the difference. Testing; test automation; special problems of OO.

Handout: notes on VV&T.

To do before next lecture:

23/2/00 Meeting 13

"The Black Team". Formal technical reviews.

25/2/00 Meeting 14

Management, project and people. Leadership; teamwork; types of organisations.

1/3/00 Meeting 15

Ensuring high levels of reuse in practice: process, technical and quality issues.

Handout: notes on reuse

3/3/00 Meeting 16

Guest lecture by Dr. Alan Gauld of BT.

Handout: copies of AG's slides (examinable: but use your common sense; I am not going to ask you how many PCs were involved in such and such a BT project...)

8/3/00 Meeting 17

Frameworks and product line architectures: process, technical and quality issues.

10/3/00 Meeting 18

Revision, examinable material.

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