Comments on SEOC2 Exercise 1 Part 1

Most of the comments I wanted to make applied to many people so I'll type them once here instead of writing them on every submission.

Is this procedure sensible

Is the change I instructed you to make really an improvement? Only if the extra complexity is going to be used. Remember XP's "simplest thing that could possibly work". If you were following XP, you would not for example introduce the abstract ButtonClient class until you had a definite need to support several different ButtonClients - not just on the off-chance that you might need to some day.

UML issues

Besides the basic mistakes (for which I took off marks mercilessly) the exercise brought out some more interesting issues.

Note that UML interfaces cannot have attributes or outgoing associations. The latter point is related to the dynamic/static association point so it's slightly subtle, but this application wasn't too subtle: the thing to note is that because an interface doesn't have any data, in particular your abstract Button can't store a pointer to a ButtonClient. So you needed an abstract class, not an interface.

An abstract class is shown using {abstract} (Using UML p88). It was also fine not to indicate which classes were abstract: but if you did so you had to do so in correct UML, so you lost a mark if you just copied the paper's out of date version. I did generously allow << abstract >> as this is what the first edition of Using UML had.

Note the difference between the realization arrow and the generalization arrow.

Don't leave blank compartments in your class icons: it suggests that you are listing the operations and attributes but there aren't any. If you simply don't want to show that level of detail, omit the compartments altogether and just use a labelled rectangle. (In fact, UML1.3 (perhaps wrongly) states that empty compartments are never shown, e.g. if a class has no attributes you omit the attribute compartment.)

Should we show attributes in UML that just implement the associations that are also shown? Strictly, no; attributes should just be those things of types or classes which are not shown in the diagram (e.g. because they're too basic). However sometimes when the diagram is close to code, as here, it's useful to do so. Just be aware whether you are doing so or not.

Order of refactorings

If you were puzzled about what the issue was here, it's probably because of my mistake in setting the exercise. I intended to tell you that you were not allowed to alter the Lamp code. If this has been the case, you would have been forced to do the refactoring that added the adapter first. In fact I failed to say this so almost everybody gave the refactoring order as being the same as the way the variants were described in the paper. That was fine, though I wrote comments about this on some people's work. You only lost a mark if you said something along the lines of "finally if we aren't able to alter the Lamp code we must..." - even though you'd already suggested refactorings that wouldn't have been possible in that case - as distinct from "if we want to be able to replace the Lamp by one whose code we can't alter...".

The net effect was that it was easier to get high marks for this part of the exercise than I really intended!

About code changes

The exercise specifically said you had to say what code changed, so, well, for full marks you had to say what code changed. Brevity was definitely a virtue, however. The best answers (most likely to be correct; easiest to mark; easiest to work from, if I'd been a developer) were those that gave code changes in a numbered list for each refactoring, with just a few words per point. (E.g. "3. Replace Foo by Bar whereever it occurs in the code of Mung").

I would have preferred to make actually altering some code part of those exercise, but I couldn't because you don't share a common language (basically CS4 speak Java and MSc speak C++). With hindsight I wonder whether I should have given you some Java code and relied on Java being similar enough to C++ (but simpler) that it would have been possible for MSc students to pick it up. I'd welcome opinions on whether you think this would have worked: I'm probably too close to both languages to trust my opinion on this.


There was generally a very poor understanding of the role of testing in refactoring: perhaps because you understood less about unit testing e.g. from earlier years than I assumed. I hope this would be done better now as we've considered testing again. The most (but not the only) relevant tests are the unit tests: checks that the methods do the right thing. One of the points about refactoring is that you change the unit tests as you change the code, taking care to keep them effective. Of course some changes are essential because the tests have to set up instances of the (perhaps changed) classes in order to test them, etc. Many people blithely said that there was no need to alter the tests, which isn't true in detail. I did give you credit for saying sensible things about system tests as well, though it wasn't what I'd hoped for. Many people said you should write new implementations of the abstract classes you considered just in order to check that the abstraction was sensible - OK in principal, but I think utterly impractical. This, of course, is one reason for not inventing the abstraction until you need it for real - you are more likely to be able to get it right at the point when you need it, anyway, because you then do have several implementations against which you can test it.


Be careful what you say about dependencies. Remember dependency is transitive.

Notice that the ButtonImplementation's code must depend only on ButtonClient, not on Lamp, otherwise the whole purpose is lost! In particular, ButtonImplementation's constructor must take a ButtonClient, not a Lamp. Of course it could still be passed a Lamp object at runtime, because that's the beauty of inheritance polymorphism.

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