
Download as MP4 Diagram as PDF

Download as MP4 Diagram as PDF

Quick questions

Q1 Activities in a UML activity diagram are shown as
rectangles with left and right sides curved
rectangles with rounded corners

Q2 The key symbol involved in showing more than one thing happening in parallel is
a thick black bar
a diamond
a circle
a special kind of arrow

Q3 Two arrows could legally come out of the same activity:

Q4 (This one's unfair of me: you don't have the information to answer it. Try anyway!) If two arrows go into a thick black bar, and then one arrow comes from the bar into an activity A, then removing the black bar and making the original two arrows go straight into A would:
make no difference to the meaning of the diagram
make a difference to the meaning of the diagram
make the diagram illegal


Any questions, things you'd like me to go over in a lecture, comments? (If you want me to have your name and/or email address, include it, otherwise I won't.)

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