Basic protocol state diagram example

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Basic behavioural state diagram example

Note that I said "reserved" where "unreserved" would have made more sense, and despite building up for an explanation of the navigability arrow on the association, I forgot to actually explain it... Sorry! Making these is harder than it looks...

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Basic nested state example

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Summary of differences between protocol and behavioural state diagrams

Any kind of state diagram records the qualitatively different states an object can be in, and how events (things that happen TO the object) affect that state.

Quick questions

Q1 States in a UML state diagram are shown as
rectangles with left and right sides curved
rectangles with rounded corners

Q2 The arrows in a state diagram are called

Q3 Two people could each create a behavioural state diagram for the same class, and their diagrams could both be correct but have different numbers of states:

Q4 An element that can appear on a behavioural state diagram, but cannot appear on a protocol state diagram, is:
a nested state
an action
an event
a condition


Any questions, things you'd like me to go over in a lecture, comments? (If you want me to have your name and/or email address, include it, otherwise I won't.)

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