Note: the following is adapted from notes I sent the (2012-13) tutors. If, after the tutorial and reading this, you are in doubt about something, one thing you could do would be to ask about it on the Forum, where hopefully another student can help, or if not, I'll follow up myself.
  1. Expect a straight line state diagram that goes through states like (start) Venue booked, Entertainer booked, Food booked, Deposit paid, Party over (stop), each transition (except the one from the start marker to Venue Booked, which happens on object creation) triggered by an operation of Party, suitably named. Issues that may arise:
    • from which state is it reasonable to do getTotalCost()? Obviously, doing this should never cause a state change, so this will always trigger a self-transition, but can we do it from the beginning or only after venue, entertainer and food are booked? The answer is that this needs to be discussed further with the customer; if we did it before booking, presumbably it'd be an estimate of some kind; under what conditions can costs change anyway?
    • what argument types, if any, do these methods have? For example, do we provide a single pay(x) method that records any payment, or is it only possible to pay the entire deposit/balance with something else resposible for checking amounts?
    Object diagrams: make sure they know what these are (rectangles for objects, labelled objectname:Classname underlined, giving values for attributes e.g. date=10/12/12). Point is just to see associated objects being created and linked to the Party object as the latter goes through its lifecycle.
  2. This will depend on how they did (1), but if they have a general pay(x) method used both for deposit and balance, it's likely they have this problem as they didn't use conditions to ensure that the state change happened only once the right amount had been paid. They could add conditions [x = deposit] and [x = balance] on the transitions. They should think about what should happen if pay(x) is called with an x that doesn't satisfy that condition: will the object maintain a "total paid" field that records this, and e.g. allows someone to pay more deposit and less balance? Or will the object insist on being paid the right amount (in which case, separate methods not taking an argument are probably better). What if too much is paid?
  3. They can add a Cancelled state, and put Venue booked.... Deposit paid inside a superstate (Being planned, perhaps); they they add a transition from the outside of Being planned to Cancelled (event cancel()). What happens then? There will be a transition from Cancelled to the stop state but they should make sure that the right thing happens to the money (what exactly that is will depend on answers to previous parts and probably also on negotiation with customer). They'll want a transition from Deposit paid to Party over (NB not from the whole superstate; a party being over is different from it being cancelled). Students may wonder whether you can have a transition from a substate of S direct to another state outside S; you can. (Although it can be error-prone.)
  4. The complication is that they have to ensure that the transition to Deposit paid doesn't happen until everything is booked (if they just have a payDeposit() transition out of the concurrent superstate, they may have trouble with this). They'll need to use a join bar to do this, with a transition out of it into Deposit paid and two transitions into it from the Food booked and Entertainer booked states, both labelled with event payDeposit() (or whatever they're using) - note that it is quite possible for one event to cause two transitions in parallel regions, like this.
  5. We don't have any knowledge (at this stage) of a Party object needing to send messages as part of its reaction to the messages it receives. We could show, e.g., what happens to its "amount paid" variable if it has one using actions. E.g., we could have a transition labelled pay(x)/amountPaid += x (using Java etc. syntax; I'm not covering the action language).

Note on a question that arose after the tutorial

A tutor wrote to me:

Some students showed me today in their state diagram an event on the transition going from the last state to the stop marker, i.e. they had cancel() on the transition and then the stop marker, and I was not sure whether this is accepted notation. As far as I understood, the stop marker means that the object is destroyed or garbage collected- would it therefore be acceptable to have a message leading to this? I could not find a convincing statement about this in the documentation.

The stop marker, like the start marker, is technically a pseudostate; most of what applies to states also applies to it, with some restrictions such as (naturally) a pseudostate can't have entry or exit actions (there's nowhere to write them anyway :-)

In fact Fig 15.35 on p585 of the UML2.4.1 pdf, which is one of the examples I used with them in class, shows this; this is inside a composite state, but Fig 15.41 on p594 has an example where the stop marker is outermost and is still reached by a transition with a trigger.

(You might prefer to think of the stop marker as meaning that the object is ready to be destroyed or garbage collected, perhaps.)

The alternative is to have cancel() leading to a normal state (Cancelled, maybe) and then to have a transition without a trigger from that to the stop marker. That transition is triggered by a "completion event", representing the completion of whatever was going on inside the state Cancelled. If there is no entry action or activity inside that state Cancelled, a completion event will be generated immediately on entering the state (see p599 of the UML PDF), and that will take control to the stop marker anyway. So the two solutions are equivalent.

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