Quick questions on Reasons for Using/Not Using UML reading

Being able to answer these questions does not prove that you remember the reading perfectly! But at least, not being able to answer them does suggest you should reread it.

There's no automated checking of these: just see if you could answer each question. If not, revisit the reading. I suggest that this might be a good opportunity for drawing a mindmap.

For each of these questions, see whether you can recall what the article says, but also think about whether you can think of more arguments. Which seem the most convincing to you, and why, from your own experience and knowledge? What are the relationships between them - are some reasons very similar? Are any contradictory?

Q1 Why might people be reluctant to use UML? The article gives five reasons.

Q2 What are the alternatives? The article gives four examples.

Q3 What are the arguments that people should overcome any reluctance, and use UML? The article gives six.

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