Note: the following is adapted from notes I sent the tutors. If, after the tutorial and reading this, you are in doubt about something, one thing you could do would be to ask about it on the Forum, where hopefully another student can help, or if not, I'll follow up myself.

There's actually not a lot I can say about either of these, but here are a few notes. As always, let me know if anything's unclear or if any problems arise.

Please make sure they [students!] are clear about the meaning of fork and join bars, and of decision and merge diamonds, and are not confusing the two. Please reinforce the notes given here (and linked from the schedule):


- answers are on the web page, in effect.


straightforward, but with lots of scope for them making different choices and being more or less ambitious about what to show. The main source text is that in the Week 4 tutorial sheet, of course. Points I would expect might come up: The more challenging questions given opportunities for discussion; let me know if anything problematic turns up.
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