Web Site Stacks

Software Engineering Large Practical

I really want to develop an app?

  • I think I'm being more than flexible anyway, but fine
  • Justify this choice in your report
  • Certainly nothing to stop you developing a browser-based interface and a mobile app
  • Make really sure it can be tested (ie. emulated) on DiCE
  • I highly recommend submitting a proposal to make sure
  • The app must at least connect to a server, so you will still need to write that
  • This is your own choice and hence own risk

Can I use third-party libraries/frameworks?

  • Yes, I highly encourage you to do so
  • Just make sure everything works on DiCE so that I can test it
  • The point of specifying DiCE is simply so that I can be sure of being able to test your code
  • It is not to force some specific environment with a limited set of dependencies

Installation to the local directory?

  • “I cannot install things I need because I have no root access”
  • Install to the local directory, this generally depends upon what it is your are installing

$ ./configure --prefix=${HOME}/my-dir
$ make && make install

Installation to the local directory?

$ pip install -t ${HOME}/my-dir

$ gem --user-install
In all cases make sure this will work for any directory rather than specifically the one you are developing in

Can I use an existing project?

  • See the clarifications answer here
  • Basically, yes if you clearly mark which parts were done before the start of this project
    • Start source code control now and tag the current state as the start
    • But still clearly state what you have done for this project in your report
  • Mistakes you have made before now will not be judged
    • But they may make it more difficult not to make further mistakes which will be judged


  • All of these questions have been clarified on the SELP web page
  • See here

Today's Lecture

  • I will talk about your web site stack

How a web page is served

  • Your browser makes HTTP requests to a web server
  • For a static page the server locates the page on disk and sends that to the client browser
  • For a dynamic page, the server must compute the page to serve to the client browser:
    • That computation may be based on the URL used to make the request
    • It may be based on the content of the request
    • It is likely based on the persistent state of the server

HyperText Transfer Protocol

  • HTTP is a client-server request-response protocol
  • It is connection oriented using Transfer Control Protocol(TCP)
  • Usually a browser is the client, but also web-crawlers and mobile apps

9 possible requests

  1. GET
  2. HEAD
  3. POST
  4. PUT
  6. TRACE
  9. PATCH

But you only really care about 2

  1. GET - Requests that the web-server sends the resource specified by the given URI. This should not modify the state of the server
  2. HEAD
  3. POST - Requests that the server accepts the data provided, usually to modify the state of the server (or even external state)
  4. PUT
  6. TRACE
  9. PATCH


  • Only information retrieval, although safe side effects such as logging and counting are fine.


  • Should not be used by conforming web crawlers for example

Nothing actually enforces either of these constraints though

If you fancy implementing this

A better alternative

  • Is to use an existing web server
  • To do this, you need some way for the web server and your code to talk to each other
  • This may well sound like you are simply moving the problem
    • Instead of talking to the client browser you now need to talk to the web server
    • There are several good reasons for this, including:
      • Talking across a network is much harder than an entity on the same machine
      • The server can worry about load balancing, concurrent requests etc.

The anatomy of a web server

Modifying Web Server Code

  • You could take an existing web server and modify the source code
  • Unfortunately accepting requests and performing remote communication are different kinds of tasks than is preparing web pages
    • Preparing web pages often involves a lot of string manipulation
  • Additionally many people had existing applications that they simply wanted to provide a web interface for
  • Many people simply wanted to write their web applications in Perl
  • Many web servers host several applications

Common Gateway Interface

  • Allows the web server to call a command-line program
  • The command-line program may be written in any programming language
  • Has the drawback that a new process must be created for each request
    • Some techniques are available to get around this such as “pre-forking” the process
    • But ultimately the limitation is there
  • An alternative is to run the code for your web application inside the process of the web-server
  • This involves extending the web-server, usually through a module system
  • Some kind of binding will be required if you wish to do so in a language in which the web server itself is not written in


  • The Apache web server software can run CGI web applications
  • However, this is simple a module within Apache mod_cgi
  • There are many modules allowing you to write your web application code in many languages
  • Each module exports its own API to the desired language, for example:
    • mod_mruby
    • mod_php


  • Addresses the problem of high load; more than 10k concurrent requests
  • Also has a module system with modules for:
    • FastCGI - CGI with pre-forking
    • WSGI - A standard for Python web applications
    • Closure, Java, Groovy
    • Many others, including third-party addons

Which server to choose

  • Depends upon your development language
    • Which in turns depends on what you are developing
  • Many languages have their own web server

How a web application is developed

  • It is a complex business to write a fast web-server
  • This involves balancing the number of threads used for concurrent connections
  • In development however, you may be sure of only a single connection
  • So you do not need a full-blown web server
  • You only require something that will:
    • accept HTTP requests on a given port
    • translate those requests and forward them to your web application code
    • accept the responses from your web application code and forward those back to the original requester (browser/test code)

Web Application Frameworks

  • Typically include a simple local web server
  • Assist the developer in sticking to the protocol demanded of one or many production web servers
  • Hence your web application is developed using the simple local server but can be deployed without further modification using a production web server

Do not worry about deployment

  • For this project you need not worry about deployment to production
  • Provided you have used a similar setup I can test your web server locally using the development setup

URLs and Requests to Pages

  • When designing your web application you do not wish to be concerned with connections, threads or protocols
  • Whichever framework you ultimately decide to use, will provide a means such that all you need to provide, is some function:
    • relative URL + request → String (usually HTML)

URLs and Requests to Pages

This just returns a simple string, which the browser is of course capable of rendering.

from bottle import route, run

def hello():
    return "Hello World!"

URLs and Requests to Pages

Generally you would wish to return HTML formatted output rather than a simple string
from bottle import route, run

def hello():
    return """<!doctype>
        Hello World!

URLs and Requests to Pages

I may want some dynamic routes, such that part of the URL is a parameter that is used to generated the output:
from bottle import route, run

def hello(name='Stranger'):
    prefix =  """<!doctype>
        Hello """
    suffix = """
    return prefix + name + suffix

URLs and Requests to Pages

Of course you may also examine the actual request content, this is most obvious in a POST request, usually some kind of form asks the user for bits of input and is submitted as a POST request:
from bottle import route, request

def login():
    return '''
        <form action="/login" method="post">
            Username: <input name="username" type="text" />
            Password: <input name="password" type="password" />
            <input value="Login" type="submit" />

URLs and Requests to Pages

Of course you may also examine the actual request content, this is most obvious in a POST request, usually some kind of form asks the user for bits of input and is submitted as a POST request:
from bottle import route, request

@route('/login', method='POST')
def do_login():
    username = request.forms.get('username')
    password = request.forms.get('password')
    if check_login(username, password):
        return "<p>Your login information was correct.</p>"
        return "<p>Login failed.</p>"

Server State


  • For most of your applications you will not need sophisticated database operations
  • Simple Create Read Update and Delete (CRUD) operations will be sufficient for many
  • In a production web site you would look at using a full-blown database server
  • You may use the school's PostgreSQL installation:
    • See instructions here
    • If you are not taking a Database related course you will need to ask for an account using the support form

URLs and Requests to Pages

So our previous login might look up the user in a database:
from bottle import route, request

def check_login(username, password):
    user_password = look_up_password_in_database(username)
    return user_password == password

@route('/login', method='POST')
def do_login():
    # As before .... including if check_login (..)

Of course, this would be horribly insecure to store the passwords as plain text

SQLite and similar

  • Since you are not necessarily making a production server a server-free database is also fine
  • For example SQLite is a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine
  • It does not support concurrent access, but unless concurrency forms part of your proposal you likely will not need concurrent access
  • You could also simply store state in a local file
    • However, if you do not use a standard database you should detail how you would scale this
    • In particular how easy is it for someone to modify your source to use a proper database?


  • ORMs relate objects in your programming language to database entities
  • This is great as it means you do not need to learn much about databases
  • A good ORM will also provide mappings to different databases meaning that you could switch between them if needed
  • For example, switching between using an SQLite and a full MySQL server can be a simple configuration option/parameter


  • Typically displaying dynamic web pages results in a lot of string manipulation
  • Some pages will have small “holes” in them which are filled in by dynamic content
  • Often you will have a number of elements which must be displayed in HTML


Recall our previous example of saying hello to someone:
from bottle import route, run

def hello(name='Stranger'):
    prefix =  """<!doctype>
        Hello """
    suffix = """
    return prefix + name + suffix


It is hard to disagree that this is more readable using a template:
from bottle import route, run

def hello(name='Stranger'):
    output_string =  """<!doctype>
        Hello {{name}}
    return template(output_string, name=name)


Search Results

  • You often have many more than one parameterised part of your document
  • For example, suppose you have a page that accepts some kind of query, when the query is made you want to return the results

StringBuilder formatted = new StringBuilder();
foreach(Result result : search_results){
return formatted.make_string()


Search Results

  • With a templating engine the string concatenation is done for you, but you have to escape to the code part

    <% foreach (Result result : search_results) { %>
            <% result.format() %>
    <% } %>

Templating vs Non-templating

  • Using a templating engine you have to escape the code
  • Without one you are escaping the output
  • General rule is that if you have more output than code use a templating engine
  • Templating engines exist for a reason
    • If you find you have more code than output that is probably a sign that you could better separate the formatting from calculation of the results
    • Think how difficult it would be to re-design the look of your web site

Templating and Inheritance

  • Templating engines usually have some form of inheritance
  • This is useful, it allows you to define a “root” template used by all pages on your site
  • This gives them all the same, header/footer, navigation etc.
  • This means that you can easily changes this for all pages at once

Web 1.0

  • Web 1.0 is characterised by a few features, such as gif navigation buttons, proprietary browser extensions, lack of CSS
  • The most characterising element though is the use of static HTML
  • Every time the content on the screen must change, a request is made to the web server and an entirely new web page is sent back to the browser
  • This can actually work quite well for certain domains, for example some adventure games such as Kingdom of Loathing
  • But it leads to rather unresponsive and constricted application design

Web 1.0

  • Simple examples of wishing to change the display of the content without referring back to the web server include:
    • Validating form input
    • Changing the sorting order of a list of items eg. by price, by relevance etc.
    • Expanding/collapsing hideable elements such as in a tree-view
    • Notebooks with tabs

Javascript & Web 1.0

  • Therefore, depending on your domain, there is a strong chance you will want some dynamic HTML
  • This likely means some Javascript
  • There are alternatives, these tend to fall into four categories:
    1. Mild transformations which translate to Javascript
    2. Strong/statically typed (new or existing) languages which compile to Javascript
    3. Interpreters for existing languages written in Javascript
    4. Entirely new languages which require some extension to the browser
  • It is up to you which of these you go for, but I recommend that at least for this project you avoid the last category
  • I recommend trying CoffeeScript which is in category one


  • Cascading Style Sheets allows you to separate your content from its display
  • This is very useful, particularly because often the person skilled in creating a pleasing display is not the same person as the one skilled in creating/computing the dynamic content
  • Of course in an individual practical you will perform both roles
  • But proper use of CSS will allow you to demonstrate that your graphical design can be modified without need to modify the content generation code

HTML5 + CSS + Javascript

  • This may seem like a cumbersome method to produce a front-end user interface
  • In some ways it is, HTML was originally the display mechanism and hence is not perfect as a vehicle for content
  • However, if you try writing a UI for a non-web application, you will quickly find that it is difficult to get the layout correct
  • HTML has evolved over time to make the layout work on many different screens etc.
  • So actually you find that this separation works pretty well

Summary of your Stack

  1. A web framework or library which provides:
    1. A means for you to write: URL + Request → HTML
    2. A local web server to locally test your web application
    3. This will have the same API as a more production web server
  2. A means to produce HTML, probably a templating language
  3. A means to Create, Read, Update and Delete persistent state, ie. A database
    • Hopefully an ORM to assist and abstract from this
  4. Some form of dynamic HTML manipulation, which means some form of Javascript

Summary of Steps

  • A request is made to the web server, this translates it into some method/function of your web application
  • Depending on the request, your application will retrieve/update some state on the database
  • Then produce a string, which will likely be some HTML, which in turn is likely produced via a templating engine
  • The HTML is then returned by the web server to the client browser and displayed there
  • That HTML, may well include some Javascript which will allow modification of the displayed page without referring back to the web server

Which Framework Should You Use?

  • First you have to decide which language to use
  • Once done, unless you have significant web development experience, it will be difficult for you to make a decision, so just try something
  • This is why web development job descriptions ask for experience
  • At least this project will give you some
  • Wikipedia gives you a pretty decent comparison to get you started
  • Generally two categories:
    • Heavyweight: Those that include everything
    • Lightweight: Those that do just the routing part and let you choose libraries for the rest
  • Both are reasonable choices


  • I have not yet said anything about testing
  • You should have some
  • How and what you test will be very dependent on what you are developing
  • A general tip: Try to keep as much of the ‘logic’ of your application separate from the page generation
    • This way you should be able to at least test your logic
    • Most web frameworks provide (or prescribe) some method for testing requests

Load Testing

  • You need not do load testing
  • But you may choose to

Any Questions