SDP 2016: Milestone 3
Passing and catching

Sandy Enoch, Katharina Heil, Henry S. Thompson
25 February 2016

1. Receiving a pass

pitch diagram with kickbot in 1 goal and target area in other half, facing other goal

The judges place a kicking machine ('house' robot) in one goal, with a top plate that belongs to your team.

The judges place your robot in area A facing towards the other goal (see arrow above).

5 seconds after the 'start' signal, the housebot/kicker will kick a ball towards your robot, giving your robot time to turn before the kick.

Once the ball is kicked:

Marking (3 trials):

2. Receiving, turning and passing

pitch diagram with kickbot in 1 goal and target area in other half, facing other goal

The judges place a kicking machine ('house' robot) in one half, facing its goal, with a top plate that belongs to an opposing team.

The judges place your robot in that goal (A). Its initial orientation is up to you.

The judges place the other robot from your team in the other half (B).

5 seconds after the 'start' signal, the housebot/kicker will kick a ball towards your robot:

Your teammate's robot will not be powered—you have 30 seconds from the start to get the ball to touch your teammate's robot.

If the ball goes into the goal at any time, the trial is over.

Marking (3 trials):

3. Intercepting

3.1. Intercepting a pass

pitch diagram with kickbot in 1 goal, your robot facing it and opposing robot in other half

The judges place a kicking machine ('house' robot) in one goal, with a top plate that belongs to an opposing team. The judges also place a robot from that team in the other half.

The judges place your robot in area A facing towards the housebot/kicker goal (see yellow arrow above).

5 seconds after the 'start' signal, the housebot/kicker will kick a ball towards its 'teammate', giving your robot time to turn and move before the kick.

Your robot must block the kick, without entering the defense area. It does not have to acquire the ball.

Marking (2 trials): 0.5 marks per success

3.2. Defending your goal

pitch diagram with your robot near 1 goal, kickbot facing it

The judges place a kicking machine ('house' robot) near the halfway line, facing towards your goal, with a top plate that belongs to an opposing team.

You place your robot in area A adjacent to the defense area of your goal. Its initial orientation is up to you.

5 seconds after the 'start' signal, the housebot/kicker will kick a ball towards the goal, giving your robot time to move before the kick.

Your robot must block the kick, from within the defense area. It does not have to acquire the ball.

If the ball goes into the goal at any time, the trial is over.

Marking (2 trials): 0.5 marks per success