Friendly matches

Four assessed sets of friendly matches will be played throughout the semester. The role of the friendly matches is to provide milestones for your achievements, allowing you to assess how well your robot is developing in relation to others. This should help to keep your progress focused towards the final goal of having your robot ready for the tournament on the final day.

For the first two sets of friendly matches you will play a reduced game, with one robot/group per side. In the second half of the semester, you will play and be marked as a team in the friendly matches, with two robots per side. The fourth set of friendly matches on 22nd March will be used to seed the tournament on the final day


Each set of friendly matches will contribute 5% of the marks for the course (20% in total), and each will be marked out of 5.

The scoring will be based on the best result of your robot in the matches played at that set of friendlies, as follows:

Groups who fail to turn up for the match will forfeit the match and will get a mark of 0 (just as for a non-submission of coursework).

You are, of course, welcome to organise your own friendly matches to assess your progress, but these will not be assessed and cannot be substituted for the scheduled assessed friendly matches.

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