Research Thesis NeuroInformatics (RTN)

This describes the MSc summer project and dissertation for Neuroinformatics DTC students. The mark obtained for the dissertation is worth 60 points.

Course Organizer: Peggy Series.

In the Summer Term, DTC Students do a research project and write a dissertation. The project and dissertation are similar to that required from the other MSc students in Informatics as described here. However, there are few differences outlined below.

Project in Industry

Project in Experimental Lab

This consists of a research project with a strongly experimental component in an experimental lab and, optionally, a computational component. The project is supervised by the head of the experimental lab and one of the DTC staff members assists with the organisation.
The experience with lab practice, data collection, and dissertation writing is intended to prepare the students for their PhD projects. In some cases the student will proceed to a PhD with an experimental component, but even students choosing a theoretical PhD are expected to benefit from the knowledge of techniques and limitations of data collection.
Central to the work is gaining experience in obtaining and analysing data rather than producing conclusive results, as obtaining these tends to be difficult to plan in the biological sciences, in particular in the limited time available.

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