infix IMPLIES; local structure Basic = BASIC() structure Keyword = KEYWORD(Basic) structure Instream = TextIO structure Lex = LEXICAL(structure Basic = Basic and Keyword = Keyword and StreamIO = TextIO.StreamIO ) structure Parse = PARSE(Lex) structure Prop = Proposition structure Dict = DICTIONARY(type Key = Prop.Term) structure Bdd = LOGIC(); structure Parser = FORMULA(structure Parse = Parse and Prop = Prop and Dict = Dict and StreamIO = TextIO.StreamIO) (* sharing type Planner.Bdd.Lit = Parser.Lit sharing type Vars.Key = Planner.Bdd.Var sharing type Parser.Formula = Planner.Bdd.Formula sharing type Planner.Bdd.TypedList = Parser.TypedList sharing type Planner.Bdd.Term = Parser.Term *) open Parser Bdd; in infix mem fun x mem (h :: t) = x = h orelse x mem t | _ mem [] = false exception Error = Bdd.Error exception SynError = Parser.SynError val start = Bdd.bdd_start; val sift = Bdd.SIFT; val window = STABLE_WINDOW; val reordering = Bdd.REORDERING; val readDomain = Parser.readDomain datatype BDD_STATS = BDD_STATS of {size:int,states:int,variables:int} datatype SATISFYING_VALUATION = SATISFYING_VALUATION of string list fun mkBdd (Domain{ name : Name, types: Name TypedList, fact: Formula, axiom: Formula, predicates: AtomicFormulaSkeleton list, relations: AtomicFormulaSkeleton list, constants: Term TypedList } ) = let val _ = Bdd.bdd_restart() val FF = Bdd.FALSE() and TT = Bdd.TRUE() val bddFact = eval types constants (V o lit2var) fact val rels = map (fn (p,s)=>p) relations (* instantiations of relations will be mapped to true or false*) fun isTrue instantiated = let val theAtom = V(lit2var instantiated) (* create or reuse bdd *) in if ++bddFact IMPLIES theAtom then TT else FF end fun testEq [x,y] = if x = y then TT else FF (* translate atoms, using FF or TT for relations *) fun translate ss atom = let val instantiated as !!(p,xs) = ss atom in if p = op == then testEq xs else if p mem rels then isTrue instantiated else V(lit2var instantiated) end fun I x = x val bdd = Bdd.eval types constants (translate I) axiom val support = map Bdd.var2lit (Bdd.SUPPORT bdd) fun nstates f = Bdd.STATES f fun size f = Bdd.SIZE f val valuation = case (Bdd.SAT bdd) of Some vars => map (lit2string o var2lit) vars | None => ["NO SATISFYING VALUATION"] in (BDD_STATS{size=size bdd,states=nstates bdd, variables=List.length support}, SATISFYING_VALUATION valuation) end; val vo = VO; fun propsat domainName = let val domainFile = TextIO.openIn domainName val domain = readDomain (TextIO.getInstream domainFile) (* TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdOut*) in (TextIO.closeIn domainFile; mkBdd domain) end fun install () = ( PolyML.commit(); start(); reordering sift; TextIO.output( TextIO.stdOut, "\n\n Welcome to PropSat \n\n" ^ " propsat : string -> BDD_STATS * SATISFYING VALUATION \n\n" ^ " Usage: propsat ; \n\n" ^ " NB format for domains changed \n" ^ " axiom => axioms fact => facts \n" ^ " facts can be universal Horn sentences \n" ^ " For details see \n\n" ) ); end