infix 5 -- ==> <=>; infix 3 >>; infix 0 || @@; infix 4 &&; signature PROPOSITIONSIG = sig eqtype Name datatype Term = ^^ of Name | ? of Name and Predicate = % of Name | == datatype Type = Type of Name | Either of Type list | Object datatype 'a TypedList = TypedList of ('a list * Type) list val forgetTypes : 'a TypedList -> 'a list val @@ : 'a TypedList * 'a TypedList -> 'a TypedList val printType : Type -> string val printTypedList : Term TypedList -> (Term -> Term) -> string (* a substitution maps variables to constants (Term -> Term) substitutions types constants parameters is a list of all well-typed substitutions instantiating the parameters *) val substitutions : Name TypedList -> Term TypedList -> Term TypedList -> (Term -> Term) list datatype Lit = !! of Predicate * Term list val mkLit : Predicate * Term list -> Lit datatype Formula = (* Conjunction *) && of Formula * Formula | &&& of Formula list | ==> of Formula * Formula | <=> of Formula * Formula | A of Lit (* Atom *) | F (* False *) | T (* True *) | || of Formula * Formula | ||| of Formula list | ~ of Formula | ALL of Term TypedList * Formula | EXS of Term TypedList * Formula | LT of (int * Term TypedList) * Formula | GT of (int * Term TypedList) * Formula | EQ of (int * Term TypedList) * Formula | GE of (int * Term TypedList) * Formula | LE of (int * Term TypedList) * Formula val tr : (Term -> Term) -> Lit -> Lit val predicatesInFormula : Formula -> Predicate list val uniquePredicates : Predicate list list -> Predicate list val lit2string : Lit -> string val form2string : Formula -> string val simp : Formula -> Formula end