Booklist/References [2008-09]


(*** = Essential, ** = Recommended, * = Background/Reference )
  1. (***) "Professional Issues in Software Engineering", 3rd edition
    Bott, Coleman, Eaton & Rowland, Pitman, 2001
    OR "Professional Issues in Information Technology"
    Frank Bott, BCS, 2005
  2. (***) "Scientists Must Write",
    R Barrass, Routledge, 2002
  3. (**) "Information Technology Project Management",
    Jack T. Marchewka, Wiley, 2003
  4. (**) "Computer Ethics and Professional Responsibility",
    Bynum & Rogerson (eds), Blackwell, 2004
  5. (**) "The Essence of Professional Issues in Computing",
    R Ayres, Prentice Hall, 1999
  6. (*) "Law and the Internet",
    L Edwards & C Waelde, Hart, 1997
  7. (*) "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance",
    Robert M Pirsig, Corgi, 1974/1999
  8. (*) "The Elements of Style",
    William Strunk and E. B. White, Longman, 1999 (original editions, 1935 and 1959).
  9. (*) "The Complete Plain Words",
    Ernest Gowers, Penguin, 1987 (original edition, 1948).


  1. "Projects Report", 3 papers in The Computer Bulletin, BCS, July 2004.
  2. "Why the future doesn't need us", Bill Joy, Wired, Issue 8.04, Apr 2000.
  3. "Spam and Social-Technical Gap" B Whitworth and E. Whitworth, Computer, IEEE Computer Society, October 2004, pp 38-45.
  4. "Biometrics and the Threat to Civil Liberties" Margaret L. Johnson, Computer, IEEE Computer Society, April 2004, p 92.

Additional Books on Ethics

  1. "Ethical Conflicts in Information and Computer Science,
    Technology and Business", Donn B. Parker et. al.
    QED Information Sciences Inc., 1990
  2. "A Gift of Fire", Sara Baase, Prentice Hall, 2003
  3. "Business Computer Ethics",
    Duncan Langford, Addison-Wesley, 1999
  4. "Ethics and Technology: Ethical Issues in an Age of
    Information and Communication Technology",
    Herman T. Tavani, Wiley, 2004

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