CS3 Operating Systems, Practical Exercise

For ease of emailing, and in the tradition of Real Programming, documentation for this practical is given as ASCII text.


The first document is the introduction to the practical, which provides a basic description of the task, and administrative information such as deadlines and collaboration policies.

Phase 1

Phase 1 runs for around two weeks.

Background reading

A large part of Phase 1 is background reading about the Linux kernel. Here are suggestions for reading.

Some more C

During the course of this practical, you need to refresh or acquire a basic knowledge of C. Here are some notes on how to do this, and some brief explanations of two of the most important features of C that will occur in the kernel source.

Using VirtualBox

The next document is the instructions for running a virtual Linux system.

The Kernel Source

Here is very brief guide to the kernel source.

Phase 2

Kernel modules

Here are instructions on compiling and loading kernel modules.

The Scheduler

The focus of phase 3 will be on the scheduler. Here is a rough guide to the scheduler code. Well, actually, it's really just a reference to the linux_cpu_scheduler.pdf, which should soon be available in printed form from the ITO. (Please don't print your own copy until the ITO's run out. If you need to print, beware that the original is on a strange paper size. Print this 2-up on A4 paper copy instead.)

Phase 3

The assessed part of the practical is in three parts. Here is part 1.

And here is part 2.

And the final part 3.

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