Operating Systems - Introduction

This page gives a general introduction to the course for those deciding whether to take it.


This course is about modern computers 'under the hood' -- how do we get them to do all the things that have to happen behind the scenes in order to get any useful work done up front.

The course is delivered via lectures and slides. My aim in lectures is not to impart large quantities of facts - I expect you to read round the subject outside lectures - but rather to convey the basic understanding required to do reading. Thus lectures are monologues (and sometimes dialogues) woven around the slides.

The practical exercise is not really intended to connect particularly strongly with the lectures. Rather, I see the practical as an opportunity to get you to do things that any Computer Scientist ought to have done - working inside a large piece of software, using C (even if you've never used it before), and looking at real operating system code.

The exams are in the standard format, and aim to test understanding rather than just recall of facts.

A few years ago, the course was felt to have a fairly high workload. However, after adjustments to the practical, for the last three or four years, the general student view has been that the workload is about right.

The course is overall consistently average or slightly high in terms of exam scores; students who engage well with the course can and often do get 90% or more on the exam.



Ability to: In addition, during the practical exercise and associated self-study, you will:


This outline is subject to modification during the course.


The course is assessed by a written examination (75\%) and one practical exercise (25\%). The practical exercise will run through weeks 3--10, and will involve understanding and modifying the Linux kernel. The final assessed outcome is a relatively small part of the work, and will not be too hard; most of the work will be in understanding C, Makefiles, the structure of a real OS kernel, etc. This is essential for real systems work!

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