Neural Computation 2003-2004 Webpage

The neural computation course looks in detail at the computations carried out by the nervous system.
In contrast to the DCFC course, we try to stay as close as possible to the experimental data.
By looking at the details, we try to figure out the function of the nervous system in a bottom-up fashion.

Keywords: single neuron models, neural codes, plasticity models.

The Lecture Notes (pdf).
Erratum: pg. 46  1) due  to the leak but 1) due to the stimulus V-> V+Delta t/tau I_stim
Here is the syllabus.

Practicals and assignments:

In the tutorials we use MatLab and NEURON (a special purpose simulator). More information on Matlab, graphs, reports, etc.

The practicals can be found here (paper copies will be distributed during the practicals).

1. The NEURON simulator: Passive properties

2. The NEURON simulator: Hodgkin-Huxley model

3. NEURON: Interactions of synapses on dendrites

4. Matlab: An Integrate and fire neuron  Script: mvr_if_matlab.m

5. Matlab: Mutual information of a Poisson spiker  Script: bits.m

6. Matlab: Ben-Yishai network  Script: ben2.m

7. Matlab: Hebbian learning with constraints Script: hebb.m (matlab)

Additional information:

Dayan and Abbot book in pdf (please refrain from distributing it)

Old (2001-2002) webpages

Movies of LGN and V1 recordings (play with mplayer under linux):


Simulation of V1 maps: