Notes on supplied grammar and supporting code ============================================= The generation of randam melodies works as follows: * Apart from the grammar, there is an input abc file. The random melody will make use of the header information from the abc file when making sense of the list of ptiches and durations give as the raw ouput from the random generation. * In particular, the key signature and time signature (if given) are taken from the input abc file and reused in the ouput; there is a restriction that accidentals are not dealt with in the process (so each pitch f is either f sharp or f natural according to the given key signature). * Other features can be enabled by editing the .abc input file (eg tempo -- but translation of tempo by conversion to lilypond has some problems) * The actual notes of the input abc file are ignored where genetaring a random melody. You can choose some other single-line (monophonic) abc file, or write your own. * There are some other tools around, like abc2midi that does direct translation, and does respect the tempo setting. midi players let you configure the speed and instrumentation.