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Students with little mathematical training may find the course tough going. The course assumes familiarity and fluency with basic algebraic manipulations, vector algebra, calculus and basic probability theory. Students without this fluency would be well advised to perform some preparatory work before the course begins.

There are also some notes and further references available on the preparatory maths page.

There are a wealth of good textbooks on introductory mathematics. One possibility is Mathematics for Engineers (Croft and Davison), Addison Wesley. I expect students to be familiar and comforable with the following subjects (chapters are for the Croft and Davison book) :

Basic Algebra (chapter 1)
Functions (chapter 2)
Polynomial Equations, inequalities and partical fractions (chapter 3)
Logarithms and Exponentials (chapter 4)
Trigonometry (chapter 5)
Matrices and Determinants (chapter 7)
Using Matrices to Solve Equations (chapter 8)
Vectors (chapter 9)
Differentiation (chapter 11)
Techniques and applications of Differentiation (chapter 12)
Integration (chapter 13)
Probability and Statistics (chapter 18)

These pages are maintained
by Amos Storkey

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