Information Theory — Introductory video

Please note: Information Theory is not running in 2015/16.

Please note: Information Theory is not running in 2015/16.

Download the 5 min introduction video.

Back to the Information Theory course website.

Survey results and introductory videos for many Edinburgh Informatics courses.

Preparation advice

You will need to know the mathematics in sections 1 and 3 of the background maths cribsheet, and have a thorough understanding of logarithms. You should also review expectations and summations of random variables. Any introductory maths textbooks for University level science and engineering that you have should cover this material. If you don’t have past experience with these areas of mathematics, you should probably pick a less theoretical course.

To get a head start on the course, or to better assess its difficulty, you could work through the first one or two chapters of the course textbook (free online), doing the exercises with difficulty [1], [2], or [3].