Lecture 8, Tuesday w5, 2014-10-14

Things we covered:

I forgot to mention the material covered at the top of p111 of MacKay, which I normally explain in class (Sorry!). It’s a way of turning the guessing game we played into a compression system, if the guesses are made by a reproducible machine instead of an audience. Non-examinable, but a way of understanding how sequential guesses could be useful, which you may find interesting.

The slides also reference some of the history of such guessing games. Shannon used such games to estimate the entropy of the English language (possibly as low as 1 bit / character!).

Check your progress

Things to try to work out after the lecture:

We’ve nearly finished the `week 4’ slides. I’ll probably go over bits I missed as part of a quick recap next time. Otherwise they may be self-explanatory(?).

Read MacKay pp110–116.

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Last updated: 2014/10/14 17:05:13

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