Informatics Research Methodologies

If you run into difficulties and are not making satisfactory progress then seek help. The earlier you ask for help the more likely it is that your problems can be solved without damaging your performance in the module. Contact the lecturer: Alan Bundy, Room 2.15, Informatics Forum, tel: 502716 and email: Short email messages are the most effective way of getting a rapid response. During Semester 1, Alan Bundy will be available for consultation with students in his office at the following times: 10.00-11.00 Wednesdays, 11.00-12.00 Fridays.

Do not be ashamed of asking for help. This is a challenging module, which introduces you to some of the skills required in research. You are expected to learn them during the module, not to come already equipped with them.

If you have complaints or problems that you do not want to raise with the lecturer, then you can contact the student rep for the module. This student rep will be elected at the start of the module.

Alan Bundy

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