IRM Student Representatives Report Philip Graham 3.12.06 I personally found the IRM course very useful. To begin with I was sceptical about how much immediate use could be gained but felt it would benefit me as I was planning to do a PHD. As the course progressed I soon realised that this course would actually help me to do my 4th year honours project and better structure my research work. Some of the initial guest lectures were slightly dry but once the course got moving and the students started giving the lectures it got very interesting. It was interesting not just on an academical level but also to find out what the people around me were into and involved with. The course work was well balanced and giving the students the opportunity to do 4 paper reviews and be assessed only on the best 2 was a very good idea. My initial plan was only to do 2 and be satisfied with them but I found as I did them that I actually felt motivated to do all 4. They were good as they allowed students to better their coursework performance and abilities and actually see this increase in skills and knowledge reflected in their course grade. The course was generally very well accepted. In my opinion it should be kept 100% coursework rather than trying to fit an exam round the course. It gives the students a course which is a little bit different from other courses which they would normally do and encourages them to think in a slightly different manner and consider their own work in a more objective and considered way.