Informatics 2B: ADS thread related software

The software listed below came out of a couple of projects (UG4 and MSc) repsectively. It is supplied here with the permission of the students on an "as is" basis. No support is available but should not really be necessary in any case. It is hoped to develop the software further in future projects.
  1. Algorithm and Data Structure Visualisation (ADV): This was developed by Chimwemwe Cadzuwa and then by Yahui Shao as an aid to understanding how a few algorithms and data structures work (including AVL Trees).
  2. Runtime Experiments (AlgoBench): This was originally developed by Eziama Ubachukwu to allow the setting up of timing experiments with a few of the algoprithms covered in Inf2B. Data collection visualisation is automated so that you can study the actual runtime of algorithms and see the trend.
    Subsequently Yufen Wang developed it further, adding significant extra functionality. Both worked under the supervision of KK.

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