% % 1.4 2018/03/30 17:46:16 % This checklist consists of the following three sections. Section 1: Directory structure in your submission Section 2: Files to submit Section 3: Contents of reports ===== Section 1 Directory structure ==================================== All the files for Inf2b CW2 submission should be saved in the directory named "LearnCW", whose directory structure should be as follows. |-- LearnCW |-- report_task1.pdf |-- report_task2.pdf |-- report_task3.pdf |-- Task1 |-- (all files for Task1 except the report) |-- Task2 |-- (all files for Task2 except the report) |-- Task3 |-- (all files for Task3 except the report) NB: * Please do NOT include the provided data set file (data.mat). * Helper functions you created may be placed in the corresponding task directory or its parent directory, i.e., LearnCW. * Directory and file names are case sensitive. Those in your submission should be exactly the same as specified. ===== Section 2 Files to submit ==================================== NB: - The following list shows the minimal set of files that you need to submit, and it does not include other relevant files you created, which you are also required to submit. - For Python users, replace the Matlab function/script file extension ".m" with ".py". Those files with ".mat" extension are of Matlab MAT-file, whose format you should follow. - Matlab template files for some of the functions to submit are available in /afs/inf.ed.ac.uk/group/teaching/inf2b/cwk2/matlab_codes Please make sure your code follows the function syntax defined in the templates. For Python, replace 'matlab_codes' in the above path with 'python_codes'. - Do not include the provided data set file in your submission. In your code, use the absolute path name for the data set file in DICE. ------------- Task 1 --------------------- (* Do NOT include data.mat) [] LearnCW/report_task1.pdf Task 1.1: [] LearnCW/Task1/my_knn_classify.m Task 1.2: [] LearnCW/Task1/my_confusion.m Task 1.3: [] LearnCW/Task1/my_knn_system.m [] LearnCW/Task1/{cm1.mat,cm3.mat,cm5.mat,cm10.mat,cm20.mat} Task 1.4: None ------------- Task 2 --------------------- (* Do NOT include data.mat) [] LearnCW/report_task2.pdf Task 2.1: [] LearnCW/Task2/my_bnb_classify.m Task 2.2: [] LearnCW/Task2/my_bnb_system.m [] LearnCW/Task2/cm.mat Task 2.3: None ------------- Task 3 --------------------- (* Do NOT include data.mat) [] LearnCW/report_task3.pdf Task 3.1: [] LearnCW/Task3/my_gaussian_classify.m Task 3.2: [] LearnCW/Task3/my_gaussian_system.m [] LearnCW/Task3/cm.mat [] LearnCW/Task3/m26.mat [] LearnCW/Task3/cov26.mat Task 3.3 [] LearnCW/Task3/my_improved_gaussian_classify.m [] LearnCW/Task3/my_improved_gaussian_system.m [] LearnCW/Task3/cm_improved.mat ===== Section 3 Contents of your reports ================================= -- Contents of report_task1.pdf -- Your UUN and the task name (i.e. Task 1) at the top of the first page Task 1.1: none Task 1.2: none Task 1.3: Report the result of experiment with respect to: - User time taken (on DICE) for my_knn_classify() in seconds. - k, N, Nerrs, and acc for each number of nearest neighbours defined in kb (i.e. [1,3,5,10,20]). The information should be summarised in a table. Task 1.4: Explain your implementation for speeding up (See the instructions in the assignment) -- Contents of report_task2.pdf -- Your UUN and the task name (i.e. Task 2) at the top of the first page Task 2.1: none Task 2.2: none Task 2.3: Report the result of experiment with respect to: - User time taken (on DICE) for my_bnb_classify() in seconds. - N, Nerrs, and acc (in a table). Task 2.3: Report your investigation and findings (See the instructions in the assignment), including brief discussions. -- Contents of report_task3.pdf -- Your UUN and the task name (i.e. Task 3) at the top of the first page Task 3.1: none Task 3.2: Report the result of experiment with respect to: - User time taken (on DICE) for my_bnb_classify() in seconds. - N, Nerrs, and acc (in a table). Task 3.3: Report your investigation and findings (See the instructions in the assignment), including discussions.