Inf1OP 2016/17 Tutorial Type Allocation

As it happens this year there are exactly two tutorials taking place in every time slot, always in the same two rooms: Forrest Hill B1.09, and Forrest Hill B1.10.

Therefore we don't have a complicated timetable of options this year: instead the provisional plan is simply a matter of:

We may need to adjust depending on demand: there will always be a Fundamental tutorial, but some slots in some weeks may not have an Advanced tutorial.

In Week 2 both Fundamental and Advanced tutorials will do essentially the same, ensuring that everyone has started the course and understands what they're doing. In subsequent weeks, the fundamental tutorials will cover the core syllabus and the advanced tutorials will discuss more advanced material for those already comfortable with the core syllabus.

The advanced tutorial is the right place to go for anyone who has questions that go a long way beyond what the current lectures and labs, especially those who can already get 80% or more on the final exam for Inf1OP. If you are ahead, but not that ahead, you may use your own judgement as to which tutorial to go to: but if in doubt, go to a Fundamental tutorial.

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