To install haskell-mode on Emacs -------------------------------- [First install the Haskell Platform. This includes ghci, which is used by haskell-mode.] 1) Install Emacs version 24.0 or higher 2) Open Emacs, type C-x b and switch to the *scratch* buffer (it should be the default option). 3) Paste in the following text (paste in emacs is C-y) (require 'package) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("marmalade" . "")) (package-initialize) (package-list-packages) 4) Type M-x (usually Alt-x) and enter the text: eval-buffer 5) A list of packages should appear in a buffer, find haskell-mode and click the underlined text. 6) A new frame should appear with an "Install" button, click this, then confirm. Haskell-mode should be now downloaded, installed and autoload when opening a .hs file. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Old version of steps 3-4 above - try this if that doesn't work: a) Paste in the following text (paste in emacs is C-y) (when (>= emacs-major-version 24) (require 'package) (package-initialize) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t) ) b) Place the cursor just after the final parenthesis (on the last line) and type C-j c) Type M-x (usually Alt-x) and enter the text: package-list-packages