Cognitive Walkthrough

You must use the Cognitive Walkthrough methodology to evaluate the mock-up and produce a set of Usability Aspect Reports (UAR) which describe the identified problems. In class we went through the basic form of a Cognitive Walkthrough. In this coursework you will be doing the more formal approach which is very similar, but more detailed and structured.


You will need to provide the persona you are using for the evaluation. The persona does not need to be complicated, but it must be clearly written and make the user's knowledge level and goals clear to the evaluators.

Usability Aspect Reports

These are structured forms used for reporting usability issues. You should read the documents linked at the bottom of the page for explainations and examples of how to fill one out. Broadly, these are the usability equivelent of a bug report.

Typically you will link a UAR issue to one of the 10 usability heuristics (also known as Nielson's 10) as a way to more formally explain the issue. While it is possible that an error is not found in the heuristics, most errors will be linked to one of the principles.

Edit: I have removed the requirement about needing a certain number of Heuristics represented.


Your writeup should address the following points:


The following resources are good places to start looking for guidance on conducting walkthroughs.
Informatics Forum, 10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AB, Scotland, UK
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