Heuristic Evaluation / Cognitive Walkthrough

You must use the Cognitive Walkthrough methodology to go through the Office 365 interface and identify 15 usability issues (or good things) and write up a Usability Aspect Report (UAR) report for each identified issue. There are 10 common heuristics (also known as Neilson's 10), your reports should involve at least 5 of these heuristics. That is, all 15 reports should not be about a single heuristic, like "consistency and standards". I expect to see at least 5 heuristics mentioned in the reports.


Writeups for this methodology will be shorter than for other methods since most of the writing is happening in the UAE reports. A skilled writer could cover the following in as little as 2 pages. Your writeup must address the following points:


The following resources are good places to start looking for guidance on conducting a survey. There are many good resources on conducting interviews, find the ones that fit your needs to best.
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