Coursework 2: Build a website for students who are new to the University of Edinburgh

Build a website that will be helpful to students who have recently been admitted to the University of Edinburgh's School of Informatics. The primary users of the site will be students who have either just accepted an offer and are preparing to move here or who have just arrived on campus. The majority of users will be incoming undergraduates and masters students, though some international visiting students may want to use the site as well.

The website you create should meet the following requirements:

For this coursework you are welcome to make use of the output of the tutorial affinity diagramming session, as well as the upcoming co-design tutorials. There will also be a tutorial session where you are encouraged to conduct evaluations with fellow tutorial attendees. Please make use of these resources.

Tools and templates

The primary goal of this exercise is to test your ability to design something that is usable by your target population. You are free to use any tool or template you would like in the construction of the site. The end result must be a website which can be loaded in a web browser. The tools you use must produce code that you are able to turn in. It is fine if it calls out to standard libraries like jqury, but the main code needs to be turned in. In your write-up you must list all the tools you used.

Group size

Groups can be of size one to size four. The amount of work expected scales with the size of the group while still keeping it in the reasonable range for a 10 credit course.

The student has the option of only using the evaluations done during the tutorial sessions. The student is expected to use either the affinity diagram or co-design exercises to identify design requirements. They are also expected to perform at least one usability evaluation which can use someone else from the HCI class as the participant.
Same requirements as a group of size one, except that the group must either find a person not currently in the HCI course to do their usability evaluation with or add an additional topic to the website.
Three and four
Same requirements as a group of size one. The group must also do one of the following for each additional member: 1) conducting an additional usability evaluation, 2) conducting a design requirements study, 3) incorporating another type of interaction (instructing, conversing, or manipulating) into their website, or 4) add another topic to the website. For example, a group of size three might create a website which addresses three of the topics identified in the affinity diagram.

The easiest approach to this coursework is for each member to select a topic from the affinity diagram and then create a web page that addresses the topic. Then have at least one member attend the tutorial session to test the website design.

Turn in

A copy of your code in a zip or tar file. You will need to use the submit command on DICE to submit this part. If you created a website that requires a custom back-end such as a PHP based site or anything that cannot be viewed by opening the contents of the zip file on a standard DICE machine, then you will need to provide a URL where the site can be viewed. Projects that are using standard HTML and Javascript should not need to provide a URL provided all the code is actually included in the zip.

For the write-up you will be turning in 1-2 pages, plus an additional page per evaluation beyond the first that you decide to run.


Submission Deadline: 17th of November by 4pm

If possible, please submit one document for the whole group. Electronic submissions are preferred but you may also turn in a paper copy to the ITO.

To submit the document electronically use the submit command, replacing "report.pdf" with your document name:

submit hci 2 code.tar
submit hci 2 report.pdf
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