Human-Computer Interaction

Semester 1 2019/2020

Lecturer: Dr. Kami Vaniea ( and Dr. Aurora Constantin (

Quick References

Where to find all the resources we use in the class.

Course Outline

The course will follow a similar format to the 2017/2018 course schedule.
1.     10 Sep    Introduction / Design Process

2. 17 Sep Defining Problems
Long Reading: How to understand problems by Andrew J. Ko
Long Reading: How to define problems by Andrew J. Ko


Questions around coursework should be directed to Piazza.



Sign up for tutorials by going to:

Tutorials start in week 3. A worksheet will be issued before each tutorial. For tutorials were we are doing a hands-on activity you may be asked to think about a topic in advance or gather some experiences from your friends. For tutorials where we are going over example exam problems the problems will be posted in advance and the answers discussed during the tutorial.

  1. Interviewing
  2. Paper Prototype Evaluation
  3. Survey Question Design
  4. Think Aloud
  5. Affinity Diagram

Recommended Textbooks

More online resources

Useful links


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