TUTORIAL 8: for Semester 2 Week 9

Annotating Dialogue

This week you will discuss how to annotate video recorded dialogue and you will practice on this video → Link to tutorial7-dialogue-video.mov

First of all come up with a plan how you would annotate speech in general:

1. What is the purpose of my annotation? e.g.

2. What are the differences between the above mentioned purposes? e.g.

Next, go back to your video and think how you would annotate this specific data.

3. What do we need to consider when we annotate tutorial7-dialogue-video.mov? e.g.

4. Video data contains more communication channels than speech data only
. How can we annotate speech, gesture, facial expression?

During the tutorial you will discuss annotation schemes you could use. You will think of labels you can create to mark all communication events in your video data.

For help and annotation you can find an annotation scheme here (link to http://www.phonetik.uni-muenchen.de/Forschung/SmartKom/Konengl/engltrans/engltrans.html).
This is a transliteration manual/annotation scheme use in the project SmartKom for German language but with English explanation.

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