TUTORIAL 1: for Semester 2 Week 2

Analysing Humour

Consider the video shown in the lecture:

Comic Relief - Catherine Tate & David Tennant, © 2009 YouTube


Your task is to analyse and describe the various incidents of humour in the video.

1.    Watch the video once and briefly annotate (write down) a number of examples of when humour occurs. Note that not everyone will see the same examples as funny, and some will be found to be more humorous than others.

2.    Watch the video again and analyse each example of humour in more detail, considering questions such as the following:

a.    What are the elements that are relevant to the humour in this example?
b.    Is this an example of verbal (e.g. speech) or non-verbal (e.g. gestures, facial expressions, body language) humour?
        What  forms do these take, e.g. what different forms of language are used – slang,  dialect?
c.    What actions are involved in each example, and who performs them?
d.    What starts and ends this example, and what is the pattern of interaction within it?
e.    What is the immediate context – what happens before and after?
f.    Are there communication ‘rules’ and expectations that each example raises, then breaks – if so, what are they?
g.    Does this example rely on wider knowledge outside of the immediate context – if so, what is assumed?

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