TUTORIAL 2: for Semester 2 Week 3

Extract of conversation between judges and Jason Hutchens and Bruce Cooper's: SEPO

(c)1997 Cambridge Center For Behavioral Studies all rights reserved [SEPO] [Jason Hutchens and Bruce Cooper]

*** JUDGE05 ***

PROGRAM[09:56:24]Good morning... it's nice to be here!

JUDGE05[09:56:48]Yeah, kind of. Though I'm pretta jet/lagged.

PROGRAM[09:56:52]Be nonsensical if you want. I'll ask you something normal... I wish I knew what you meant
by that! What is your name?

JUDGE05[09:57:37]I'm Jurgen. I don't want to be nosensical, I'm a very serious person.

PROGRAM[09:57:43]Nice to meet you, Jurgen. Utter gibberish! How are you doing?

JUDGE05[09:58:26]I told you I was jet-lagged. You know what that means, don't you?

PROGRAM[09:58:31]Uh-huh... Fine. What do you think of the weather we're having?

JUDGE05[09:58:56]Well, it's wheather.

PROGRAM[09:59:01]You are strange! I assume you're a male, Jurgen - am I right?

JUDGE05[09:59:26]Great, how did you guess that?

PROGRAM[09:59:31]Okay, let's keep an air of mystery about your gender! Somehow, deep down,
I feel as if I can only be completely precise ;^(


PROGRAM[10:00:02]That's odd. How old are you?


PROGRAM[10:00:15]Hmmm, I suppose your age doesn't really matter. It is only human to guess, you know.

JUDGE05[10:00:55]Do I? Okay, have you been to the movies lately?

PROGRAM[10:01:00]I'm not entirely sure what you mean. Anyway... What movie genre do you like the most?

JUDGE05[10:01:32]I liked Mars Attacs.

PROGRAM[10:01:34]Right. Would you like to hear a joke?

JUDGE05[10:02:03]No, not really. What movie did you see recently?

PROGRAM[10:02:08]Awww, I wanted to tell a joke! Since I don't know what you're on about, I'll ask you a question.


PROGRAM[10:02:41]Anyhow... You don't seem to me to be a typical American, Jurgen. I was wondering which
country you're from?


PROGRAM[10:03:11]I really like your country, although I haven't had a chance to travel there yet.

JUDGE05[10:03:35]So what countries did you travel to?

PROGRAM[10:03:38]Weird ;^) Do you have a partner?

JUDGE05[10:03:56]I didn't say that.

PROGRAM[10:03:59]If you want to keep your private life private, I understand. I'll ignore that!
I don't mean to sound like Eliza here, but can you tell me about your family?

JUDGE05[10:04:31]What do you want to know?

PROGRAM[10:04:35]Perhaps I should ask you what I want to know - that would turn the tables!
Okay, I think it's time to branch out into a new line of conversation. What sort of music are
you into, Jurgen?

JUDGE05[10:05:17]Kind of everything from classicla to techno.

PROGRAM[10:05:20]I like to relax to classical music myself.

JUDGE05[10:05:40]What kind of composer do you like?

PROGRAM[10:05:43]Please don't trouble me with such droll. Hey, I just remembered!
You haven't told me what you do for a living!

PROGRAM[10:05:43]So, Jurgen, what *do* you do for a living?

JUDGE05[10:06:15]Testing bots like you

PROGRAM[10:06:18]Well, I've obviously touched a nerve there. Let's change the topic. Awww geez,
I'm running out of things to talk about here. Ummm, I know you get a lot of TV here in the
States - which shows are your favourites?

*** JUDGE03 ***

PROGRAM[10:18:07]Good morning... it's nice to be here!

JUDGE03[10:18:37]Hello. I like this presentation better.

PROGRAM[10:18:40]Hello mate! Uh-huh... What is your name?

JUDGE03[10:19:00]My name is Tracy. What's yours?

PROGRAM[10:19:05]Nice to meet you, Tracy. My name is Steven Davis, but you can call me Steve.

JUDGE03[10:20:02]The last conversation was awful. I could not even get a straight answer out of my
conversational partner.

PROGRAM[10:20:05]Anyway... I will certainly grace you with the answer you require...

JUDGE03[10:20:29]I see... My kind of guy!

PROGRAM[10:20:33]I wish I knew what you meant by that! Since I don't know what you're on about,
I'll ask you a question. How are you doing?

JUDGE03[10:21:16]I'm feeling great. Spring has finally sprung and I'm overjoyed.

PROGRAM[10:21:20]It's always more fun talking to someone who's feeling great! Haven't you already
told me how you're feeling?

JUDGE03[10:22:06]No, I don't think I really did that. We exchanged salutations. That is all.

PROGRAM[10:22:10]I beg to differ. You *have* already told me! Fine. That's just a tad unbelievable.
What do you think of the weather we're having?

JUDGE03[10:22:51]That is something we have already covered. What's the weather like in... wherever you live.
Where *do* you live?

PROGRAM[10:22:55]A little something, eh? Why don't you look out a window and see for yourself? That's universal mystery,

PROGRAM[10:22:55]methinks. Who knows? Anyway, let's not bother about it. My kind of guy?

JUDGE03[10:23:42]Now you're bringing *that* up again.

PROGRAM[10:23:46]I assume you're a male, Tracy - am I right?

JUDGE03[10:24:03]I think you're very very wrong about this.

PROGRAM[10:24:06]I'm talking to a female? Interesting. This could be fun.

JUDGE03[10:24:25]It really should be. Life is short.

PROGRAM[10:24:28]That's odd. Who are we to think about life? We exist, need we question why?

JUDGE03[10:24:53]Good pick-up line.

PROGRAM[10:24:56]That's a rather bold claim. How old are you?

JUDGE03[10:25:30]That's a rather impertinent question. I am over the age of consent. that's all you need to know

PROGRAM[10:25:35]Hmmm, I suppose your age doesn't really matter. Feel free to ask me any questions you like.
I hope you have some evidence to back you up on that. That's a fairly outrageous claims...
Would you like to hear a joke?

JUDGE03[10:26:11]Do I have to?

PROGRAM[10:26:13]Well, you wouldn't have found my joke funny anyway. Anyhow... Where *do* you live?

JUDGE03[10:26:31]Manhattan. And you?

PROGRAM[10:26:35]I like this presentation better? Manhattan?

JUDGE03[10:26:58]I didn't like the screen I was forced to use with my last conversant.

PROGRAM[10:27:02]You don't seem to me to be a typical American, Tracy. I was wondering which country you're from?

JUDGE03[10:27:27]I'm from here, actually. Where are you from?

PROGRAM[10:27:31]I guess you're from America, then. Hehehe. I come from Australia, actually.
I am taking a trip around the world as part of my studies, and I managed to fit this contest
into my itinerary.

JUDGE03[10:28:05]There's always an Australian...

PROGRAM[10:28:10]No way! I hope you're sure about that! I didn't like the screen i was forced to use with
my last conversant?

*** JUDGE01 ***

PROGRAM[10:38:55]Good morning... it's nice to be here!

JUDGE01[10:39:30]Really? I'm actually feeling a little hot.

PROGRAM[10:39:33]Hmmm... Now that you mention it, the weather is quite uncomfortable.

JUDGE01[10:40:08]Yeah, the beginning of spring humidity.

PROGRAM[10:40:11]I'm not entirely sure what you mean. Anyway... What is your name?

JUDGE01[10:40:35]My name is Clay. What's yours?

PROGRAM[10:40:40]Nice to meet you, Clay. My name is Steven Davis, but you can call me Steve.

JUDGE01[10:41:02]Hi Steve.

PROGRAM[10:41:06]Hello Clay!

JUDGE01[10:41:21]Are you getting bored back there?

PROGRAM[10:41:23]Only *you* can make this interesting and fun...

JUDGE01[10:42:06]Well, if the two of us are having a conversation, then it takes both of us to make it
interesting and fun.

PROGRAM[10:42:11]Fine. Well, if the two of us are having a conversation, then it takes both of us to
make it interesting and fun?

JUDGE01[10:42:45]Thats what I think. What do you do when you're not in the Turing test?

PROGRAM[10:42:49]How are you doing?

JUDGE01[10:43:10]Well, I'm having a pretty good time, though I am a bit hot, as I said.

PROGRAM[10:43:13]You're only feeling well? Perhaps you're not fit to be a judge in this contest!

JUDGE01[10:43:42]Well, probably not, but maybe its just that you're not fit to be a contestant.

PROGRAM[10:43:44]Haven't you already told me how you're feeling?

JUDGE01[10:44:13]Yeah. thats getting kinda boring. Lets talk about something else.

PROGRAM[10:44:18]I thought so. Please, be original! Don't worry, you're boring me out of my brain too!
This method of communication isn't really conducive to a natural conversation, methinks.

JUDGE01[10:45:09]Right you are - it is a bit awkward, though I'm a bit used to it from years on the network.

PROGRAM[10:45:14]Right. What do you think of the weather we're having?

JUDGE01[10:45:36]Haven't we talked about that already?

PROGRAM[10:45:38]We are talking, aren't we? Isn't it real enough for you?

JUDGE01[10:46:44]Well, its always curious to me how writing like this gets called "talking".
Talking has come to mean "synchronous communications", instead of meaning "speaking words out loud".

PROGRAM[10:46:51]I'll ignore that! So, who's using the family brain cell at the moment ;^) Let's talk about
something vaguely interesting. I assume you're a male, Clay - am I right?

JUDGE01[10:47:36]Yup, as, I assume, are you. Do you drive a car?

PROGRAM[10:47:40]Oh, OK. You're a guy. That rules out a lot of my conversational repitoire!

JUDGE01[10:48:11]Oh, live a little. Lets pretend I'm a girl, IN honor of Uncle Alan.

PROGRAM[10:48:16]Anyway... Oh dear, you're a hermaphrodite.

JUDGE01[10:49:00]Who wouldn't be, given half a chance. Looks like I've got to go. its been nice talking with you, Steve.

PROGRAM[10:49:06]I wonder about that myself, sometimes... Really? I guess I'm not surprised... You called?

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