import nltk, cky # Import nltk.tree and nltk.CFG from nltk import tree, CFG from cky import CKY, tokenise from pprint import pprint as pp import lab4_fix from lab4_fix import parse_grammar from import rdparser_app as rd def app(grammar,sent="we sleep"): """ Create a recursive descent parser demo, using a simple grammar and text. """ rd.RecursiveDescentApp(grammar, sent.split()).mainloop() #################### EXERCISE 1 #################### # Solution for exercise 1 # Input: none # Output: none def test1(): # Load the CFG grammar grammar = parse_grammar(""" S -> NP VP PP -> P NP NP -> Det N | NP PP | 'I' VP -> V NP | VP PP Det -> 'an' | 'my' N -> 'elephant' | 'pyjamas' V -> 'shot' P -> 'in' """) # Print out the grammar rules, one line at a time # pp is a method in the "parse" module print "Grammar rules:" pp( # Step through the parse (using a Recursive Descent / Top-down parser) print "Running interactive Recursive-Descent parser..." print " Close the window to end execution" app(grammar) ### Uncomment to test exercise 1 ### Look in the terminal window to see the list of grammar rules ### In the pop-up window, do the following: ### Click on "Edit" in the menu bar and select "Edit Text" ### Enter "I shot an elephant in my pyjamas" in the text box ### Click on "OK" ### Click the "Autostep" button and watch the parser step through ### Do you notice a problem? ### Click the "Autostep" button again to freeze the animation #test1() #################### EXERCISE 2 #################### # A somewhat more detailed grammar for Exercise 2 grammar2=parse_grammar([ "S -> Sdecl '.' | Simp '.' | Sq '?' ", # Take advantage of the punctuation "Sdecl -> NP VP", "Simp -> VP", "Sq -> Sqyn | Swhadv", "Sqyn -> Mod Sdecl | Aux Sdecl", # Re-use where we can "Swhadv -> WhAdv Sqyn", # likewise "Sc -> Subconj Sdecl", # For "that S" "NP -> PropN | Pro | NP0 ", # NP that allows no modification "NP0 -> NP1 | NP0 PP", # NP with (multiple) PP attachment "NP1 -> Det N2sc | Det N2mp | N2mp | Sc", # Common nouns and sentential complements "N2sc -> Adj N2sc | Nsc | N3 Nsc", # Adjectival mod, head noun for singular # count nouns "N2mp -> Adj N2mp | Nmp | N3 Nmp", # Adjectival mod, head noun for plural # count nouns or mass nouns "N3 -> N | N3 N", # Noun-noun compounds "N -> Nsc | Nmp", "VP -> VPi | VPt | VPdt | Mod VP | VP Adv | VP PP", # a bit of subcat, # allows mixed Adv and PP # modifications :-( "VPi -> Vi", # intransitive "VPt -> Vt NP", # transitive "VPdt -> VPo PP", # ditransitive, obligatory NP (obj.) & PP complements "VPdt -> VPio NP", # ditransitive, obligatory NP (iobj.) & NP (obj) "VPo -> Vdt NP", # direct object of ditransitive "VPio -> Vdt NP", # indirect obj. part of dative-shifted ditransitive "PP -> Prep NP", "Det -> 'a' | 'the' | 'an' | 'my'", "Nmp -> 'salad' | 'mushrooms' | 'pyjamas'", # mass nouns, plural count nouns "Nsc -> 'book' | 'fork' | 'flight' | 'salad' | 'drawing' | 'elephant'", # singular count "Prep -> 'to' | 'with' | 'in'", "Vi -> 'ate'", "Vt -> 'ate' | 'book' | 'Book' | 'gave' | 'told' | 'shot'", "Vdt -> 'gave' | 'told' ", "Subconj -> 'that'", "Mod -> 'Can' | 'will'", "Aux -> 'did' ", "WhAdv -> 'Why'", "PropN -> 'John' | 'Mary' | 'NYC' | 'London'", "Adj -> 'nice' | 'drawing'", "Pro -> 'you' | 'he' | 'I'", "Adv -> 'today'" ]) chart=CKY(grammar2) def test2_1(verbose=False): global chart s="I ate salad." chart.parse(tokenise(s),verbose) print str(chart.firstTree()) chart.pprint() def test2_2(verbose=False): global chart s="I shot an elephant in my pyjamas." parsed=chart.parse(tokenise(s),verbose) if parsed: for tree in chart.allTrees(): print str(tree) tree.draw() #print "CKY parser..." ### Parse a simple sentence with the CKY parser and show the resulting matrix #test2_1() ### show what happens in each cell of the matrix during the parse #test2_1(True) ### Try the Groucho Marx sentence #test2_2() ### Look at the matrix # chart.pprint() #################### EXERCISE 5 #################### # In the first part we look at an existing grammar and identify the # problems with number agreement # To complete Exercise 5 you have to complete the definition of the # g1_agreement by copying rules from the g1 grammar and modifying # many of them g1=parse_grammar(""" # Grammatical productions. S -> NP VP NP -> Det N | Pro VP -> Vi | Vt NP # Lexical productions. Pro -> "i" | "we" | "you" | "he" | "she" Det -> "a" | "an" | "the" N -> "dog" | "banana" Vi -> "sleep" | "eat" Vt -> "eat" | "ate" """) # TODO modify the above grammar to enforce number agreement by expanding the # set of categories used # Only the first rule is given. Add similar rules to complete, including # for example lexicon entries such as: Nsg -> "dog" | "banana" # Vtsg -> "ate" | "eats" g1_agreement=parse_grammar(""" # Grammatical productions. S -> NPsg VPsg | NPpl VPpl # Lexical productions. """) def test5(): # code to test the parser with the first grammar app(g1, 'i sleep') app(g1, 'a dog eat banana') app(g1, 'the dogs sleep') # code to test the parser with the grammar with number constraints defined by you app(g1_agreement, 'the dogs sleep') app(g1_agreement, 'a dogs sleep') app(g1_agreement, 'a dog sleeps') app(g1_agreement, 'a dog sleep') #Uncomment to test the code for Exercise 5 #test5() ################ EXERCISE 6a ####################### # For part a of Exercise 6 you have to inspect the output of the # parser when using the grammar_number_feature grammar # Look at ParseWithFeatures to see how to parse with a grammar from nltk import load_parser # Function for loading a grammar and parsing a sentence with that grammar # Input: the name of the grammar file and a sentence to parse # Ouput: prints out the parser trace and the parse tree for the sentence if one exists def ParseWithFeatures(feature_parser, sentence): global trees #to not see the rule aplications take out the trace argument #split sentence into tokens print "Parsing the sentence: %s" % sentence tokens = sentence.split() #parse the sentence and print the final parse tree trees = feature_parser.parse(tokens) empty=True for tree in trees: empty=False print(tree) if empty: print "No parse!" def test6(trace=0): # File containing the grammar with number number_feature_file="/group/ltg/projects/fnlp/grammar_number_feature.fcfg" # Inspect the grammar print "The grammar with number feaure:" print "\nCreating bottom-up parser with original grammar...\n" cp=load_parser(number_feature_file, trace=trace) # Test part a for s in ["the dogs sleep", "a dog sleeps", "i sleep", "he sleeps", "a dogs sleep", "a dog sleep"]: ParseWithFeatures(cp,s) print "---------------" print ################ EXERCISE 6b ####################### # TODO modify a local copy of the grammar, # provide the name of your grammar file, uncomment # Your grammar should enforce PERSON agreement. Hint when # defining the lexicon you can leave a feature value underspecified # such as PER=?p # Uncomment as necessary below here to test part b # number_person_feature_file="your_grammar_file.fcfg" # Inspect your augmented grammar #print "The grammar with number and person feaures:" #print "\nCreating bottom-up parser with your augmented grammar...\n" #cp=load_parser(number_person_feature_file, trace=trace) # for s in ["the dogs sleep", # "a dog sleeps", # "i sleep", # "he sleeps", # "a dogs sleep", # "a dog sleep"]: # ParseWithFeatures(cp,s) # print "---------------" return cp # Uncomment to test your solution for Exercise 6 #cp=test6()