import nltk #import brown corpus from nltk.corpus import brown # module for training a Hidden Markov Model and tagging sequences from nltk.tag.hmm import HiddenMarkovModelTagger # module for computing a Conditional Frequency Distribution from nltk.probability import ConditionalFreqDist # module for computing a Conditional Probability Distribution from nltk.probability import ConditionalProbDist # module for computing a probability distribution with the Maximum Likelihood Estimate from nltk.probability import MLEProbDist import operator import random ############# INTRO POS ################# def intro(): # NLTK provides corpora tagged with part-of-speech (POS) information and some tools to access this information # The Penn Treebank tagset is commonly used for English # We can retrieve the tagged sentences in the Brown corpus by calling the tagged_sents() function tagged_sentences = brown.tagged_sents(categories= 'news') print "Sentence tagged with Penn Treebank POS labels:" print tagged_sentences[42] # We can access the Universal tags by changing the tagset argument tagged_sentences_universal = brown.tagged_sents(categories= 'news', tagset='universal') print "Sentence tagged with Universal POS:" print tagged_sentences_universal[42] # Comment to hide intro intro() ############# EXERCISE 1 ################# # Solution for exercise 1 # Input: genre (string), tagset (string) # Output: number_of_tags (int), top_tags (list of string) # get the number of tags found in the corpus # compute the Frequency Distribution of tags def ex1(genre,tagset): # get the tagged words from the corpus tagged_words = brown.tagged_words(categories= genre, tagset=tagset) # TODO: build a list of the tags associated with each word #tags = # TODO: using the above list compute the Frequency Distribution of tags in the corpus # hint: use nltk.FreqDist() #tagsFDist = # TODO: retrieve the total number of tags in the tagset #number_of_tags = #TODO: retrieve the top 10 most frequent tags #top_tags = return (number_of_tags,top_tags) def test_ex1(): print "Tag FreqDist for news:" print ex1('news',None) print "Tag FreqDist for science_fiction:" print ex1('science_fiction',None) # Do the same thing for a different tagset: Universal print "Tag FreqDist for news with Universal tagset:" print ex1('news','universal') print "Tag FreqDist for science_fiction with Universal tagset:" print ex1('science_fiction','universal') ### Uncomment to test exerise 1 # Let's look at the top tags for different genre and tagsets # and observe the differences #test_ex1() ############# EXERCISE 2 ################# # Solution for exercise 2 # Input: sentence (list of string), size (<4600) # Output: hmm_tagged_sentence (list of tuples), tagger (HiddenMarkovModelTagger) # hint: use the help on HiddenMarkovModelTagger to find out how to train, tag and evaluate the HMM tagger def ex2(sentence, size): tagged_sentences = brown.tagged_sents(categories= 'news') # set up the training data train_data = tagged_sentences[-size:] # set up the test data test_data = tagged_sentences[:100] # TODO: train a HiddenMarkovModelTagger, using the train() method #tagger = # TODO: using the hmm tagger tag the sentence #hmm_tagged_sentence = # TODO: using the hmm tagger evaluate on the test data #eres = return (tagger, hmm_tagged_sentence,eres) def test_ex2(): tagged_sentences = brown.tagged_sents(categories= 'news') words = [tp[0] for tp in tagged_sentences[42]] (tagger, hmm_tagged_sentence, eres ) = ex2(words,500) print "Sentenced tagged with nltk.HiddenMarkovModelTagger:" print hmm_tagged_sentence print "Eval score:" print eres (tagger, hmm_tagged_sentence, eres ) = ex2(words,3000) print "Sentenced tagged with nltk.HiddenMarkovModelTagger:" print hmm_tagged_sentence print "Eval score:" print eres ### Uncomment to test exerise 2 #Look at the tagged sentence and the accuracy of the tagger. How does the size of the training set affect the accuracy? #test_ex2() ############# EXERCISE 3 ################# # Solution for exercise 3 # Input: tagged_words (list of tuples) # Output: emission_FD (ConditionalFreqDist), emission_PD (ConditionalProbDist), p_NN (float), p_DT (float) # in the previous labs we've seen how to build a freq dist # we need conditional distributions to estimate the transition and emission models # in this exerise we estimate the emission model def ex3(tagged_words): # TODO: prepare the data # the data object should be a list of tuples of conditions and observations # in our case the tuples will be of the form (tag,word) where words are lowercased #data = # TODO: compute a Conditional Frequency Distribution for words given their tags using our data #emission_FD = # TODO: return the top 10 most frequent words given the tag NN #top_NN = # TODO: Compute the Conditional Probability Distribution using the above Conditional Frequency Distribution. Use MLEProbDist estimator. #emission_PD = # TODO: compute the probabilities of P(year|NN) and P(year|DT) #p_NN = #p_DT = return (emission_FD, top_NN, emission_PD, p_NN, p_DT) def test_ex3(): tagged_words = brown.tagged_words(categories='news') (emission_FD, top_NN, emission_PD, p_NN, p_DT) = ex3(tagged_words) print "Frequency of words given the tag *NN*: ", top_NN print "P(year|NN) = ", p_NN print "P(year|DT) = ", p_DT ### Uncomment to test exerise 3 #Look at the estimated probabilities. Why is P(year|DT) = 0 ? What are the problems with having 0 probabilities and what can be done to avoid this? #test_ex3() ############# EXERCISE 4 ################# # Solution for exercise 4 # Input: tagged_sentences (list) # Output: emission_FD (ConditionalFreqDist), emission_PD (ConditionalProbDist), p_VBD_NN, p_DT_NN # compute the transition probabilities # the probabilties of a tag at position i+1 given the tag at position i def ex4(tagged_sentences): # TODO: prepare the data # the data object should be an array of tuples of conditions and observations # in our case the tuples will be of the form (tag_(i),tag_(i+1)) #data = # TODO: compute the Conditional Frequency Distribution for a tag given the previous tag #transition_FD = # TODO: compute the Conditional Probability Distribution for the # transition probability P(tag_(i+1)|tag_(i)) using the MLEProbDist # to estimate the probabilities #transition_PD = # TODO: compute the probabilities of P(NN|VBD) and P(NN|DT) #p_VBD_NN = #p_DT_NN = return (transition_FD, transition_PD,p_VBD_NN, p_DT_NN ) def test_ex4(): tagged_sentences = brown.tagged_sents(categories= 'news') (transition_FD, transition_PD,p_VBD_NN, p_DT_NN ) = ex4(tagged_sentences) print "P(NN|VBD) = ", p_VBD_NN print "P(NN|DT) = ", p_DT_NN ### Uncomment to test exerise 4 # Are the results what you would expect? The sequence NN DT seems very probable. How will this affect the sequence tagging? #test_ex4()