Extreme Computing


Mondays and Thursdays 17:10-18:00.

The course is organised in multiple topics; you see an approximate order below. It may be the case that we go through a single topic per lecture, or we may devote more than one lectures to a single topic. We will try to stick to this plan, but it is OK if we deviate a bit. Lectures may be revised before they are delivered.


Date Topic Resources Lecturer
18.09.17 Administration and Overview slides, code Kenneth
21.09.17 Introduction to MapReduce slides, code Kenneth
25.09.17 Algorithms for MapReduce slides, temp src Kenneth
28.09.17 Hadoop Distributed File System slides Volker
02.10.17 Joins in MapReduce and Bloom filters /
Replication and fault tolerance. (Part I)
slides Kenneth
05.10.17 Replication and fault tolerance. (Part II) slides, weak_sync src Kenneth
09.10.17 Virtualization slides Volker
12.10.17 Beyond Map Reduce slides Kenneth
16.10.17 Stream Processing (Part I) slides Volker
19.10.17 Stream Processing (Part II) slides Volker
23.10.17 Stream Processing (Part III) slides Volker
26.10.17 Storage Services (Part I) slides Kenneth
30.10.17 Storage Services (Part II) Kenneth
02.11.17 BASE versus ACID slides Kenneth
06.11.17 Guest Lecture: Building a high availability,
low-latency global service that powers autocompletion
across multiple end-points.
slides Paul Baecke, Microsoft
09.11.17 CANCELLED
13.11.17 Networking and BitTorrents slides Volker
16.11.17 Building a Webservice and
Exam review lecture (bring questions)
slides Kenneth
20.11.17 Guest Lecture: Apache Spark no slides, but recording
is available on Learn
Drew Bradley, Amazon
23.11.17 Guest Lecture, large scale computing recording on learng Intel
23.04.18 Second revision lecture slides Kenneth and Volker

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