Extreme Computing (EXC)


There are two assignments.
  1. Assignment 1
  2. Assignment 2

Late Submission Policy

We follow the standard school policy. Submitting after the deadline will incur penalties of 5% per calendar day up to 7 calendar days, when the penalty becomes 100%. If you have a good reason to submit late, contact the ITO. Normally, the ITO waives some 5% penalties, but not the 7-day cap. You can stack a 6-day ITO extension and a 5% penalty to reach 7 days, but eight days still incurs a 100% penalty unless the ITO says otherwise.

We only mark assignments once and start marking at the deadline. As a corollary, late submissions will not be marked if a timely submission was made. Before the deadline, you can submit as many times as you want.

Home : Teaching : Courses : Exc 

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