import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers import scala.util.parsing.combinator.syntactical.StandardTokenParsers object CW2 { /* ===== Abstract syntax tree for MiniMD ===== */ abstract class MiniMDExpr // A block of MiniMD expressions. The top-level of a program is a MDDoc. case class MDDoc(contents: List[MiniMDExpr]) extends MiniMDExpr // A paragraph of free text / bold / italic / section headers case class MDPar(contents: List[MiniMDExpr]) extends MiniMDExpr case class MDVerbatim(contents: String) extends MiniMDExpr // Free text case class MDFreeText(text: String) extends MiniMDExpr case class MDBold(text: String) extends MiniMDExpr case class MDItalic(text: String) extends MiniMDExpr case class MDUnderlined(text: String) extends MiniMDExpr // List items case class MDListItem(exprs: List[MiniMDExpr]) extends MiniMDExpr case class MDBulletedList(listItems: List[MDListItem]) extends MiniMDExpr case class MDNumberedList(listItems: List[MDListItem]) extends MiniMDExpr // Sections; `text` is the section header name. case class MDSectionHeader(text: String) extends MiniMDExpr case class MDSubsectionHeader(text: String) extends MiniMDExpr // Links case class MDLink(text: String, url: String) extends MiniMDExpr /* ===== Printing Language ===== */ import scala.language.implicitConversions // ====================================================================== // Part 1: Pretty-printing // ====================================================================== trait Printer { // The abstract Doc type type Doc // An empty document val nil : Doc // A block of text def text(s: String): Doc // A line break / newline val line: Doc // Append two Docs together def append(x:Doc, y: Doc): Doc // A doc which is nested to a certain level. def nest(i: Int, doc: Doc): Doc // A doc whose content is rendered without indentation // (nesting is suspended) def unnest(doc: Doc): Doc // A method which prints the Doc to a string. def print(doc: Doc): String // some Scala incantations to allow infix <> document append operation class AppendAssoc(x: Doc) { def <> (y: Doc): Doc = append(x,y) } implicit def doc2AppendAssoc(x: Doc): AppendAssoc = new AppendAssoc(x) // ====================================================================== // Exercise 1 // ====================================================================== def quote(d1: Doc): Doc = sys.error("TODO") def braces(d1: Doc): Doc = sys.error("TODO") def anglebrackets(d1: Doc): Doc = sys.error("TODO") /* ====================================================================== * Exercise 2 * ====================================================================== */ def sep(d: Doc, ds: List[Doc]): Doc = sys.error("TODO") } // ====================================================================== // Exercise 3 // ====================================================================== // The following instance is a stub, provided just to make the // rest of the code compile. object MyPrinter extends Printer { type Doc = String val nil = "" def text(s: String) = sys.error("TODO") val line = "" def append(x:Doc, y: Doc) = sys.error("TODO") def nest(i: Int, doc: Doc) = sys.error("TODO") def unnest(doc: Doc) = sys.error("TODO") def print(doc: Doc) = sys.error("TODO") } // Import it for use in the rest of the program import MyPrinter._ // A Formatter[T] knows how to turn T into a Doc. trait Formatter[T] { // The abstract method that needs to be implemented. def format(e: T): Doc // The method formatList applies format to each element of a list, concatenating the results // It can be called from format(). def formatList(xs: List[T]): Doc = sep(nil,{x: T => format(x)}) } // ====================================================================== // Exercise 4 // ====================================================================== object MarkdownFormatter extends Formatter[MiniMDExpr] { def format(e: MiniMDExpr) = sys.error("MarkdownFormatter: TODO") } /* ====================================================================== * Exercise 5 * ====================================================================== */ object LatexFormatter extends Formatter[MiniMDExpr] { def format(e: MiniMDExpr) = sys.error("LatexFormatter: TODO") } // ====================================================================== // Exercise 6 // ====================================================================== object HTMLFormatter extends Formatter[MiniMDExpr] { def format(e: MiniMDExpr) = sys.error("HTMLFormatter: TODO") } // ====================================================================== // Part 2: Random test case generation // ====================================================================== object Rng { // A Gen[T] has a method called get that generates a random T. trait Gen[+A] { val rng = scala.util.Random def get(): A // abstract // Gen[T] also supports the map and flatMap methods, so for-comprehensions // can be used with them. def map[B](f: A => B):Gen[B] = { val self = this new Gen[B] { def get() = f(self.get()) } } // ********************************************************************** // Exercise 8 // ********************************************************************** def flatMap[B](f: A => Gen[B]): Gen[B] = sys.error("TODO") } // ********************************************************************** // Exercise 7 // ********************************************************************** def const[T](c: T): Gen[T] = sys.error("TODO") def flip: Gen[Boolean] = sys.error("TODO") def range(min: Integer, max: Integer): Gen[Integer] = sys.error("TODO") def fromList[T](items: List[T]): Gen[T] = sys.error("TODO") // ********************************************************************** // Exercise 9 // ********************************************************************** def genFromList[A](gs: List[Gen[A]]): Gen[A] = sys.error("TODO") // ********************************************************************** // Exercise 10 // ********************************************************************** def genList[T](n: Integer, g: Gen[T]): Gen[List[T]] = sys.error("TODO") // ********************************************************************** // Exercise 11 // ********************************************************************** def genSectionText: Gen[String] = sys.error("TODO") def genSubsectionText: Gen[String] = sys.error("TODO") def genListitemText: Gen[String] = sys.error("TODO") def genLink: Gen[(String, String)] = sys.error("TODO") def genFreeText: Gen[String] = sys.error("TODO") def genVerbatimText: Gen[String] = sys.error("TODO") // ********************************************************************** // Exercise 12 // ********************************************************************** def genMiniMDExpr(n: Integer): Gen[MiniMDExpr] = sys.error("TODO") } /*====================================================================== The rest of this file is support code, which you should not (and do not need to) change. ====================================================================== */ /* ===== MiniMD Parser ===== */ object MiniMDParser extends RegexParsers { val eol = sys.props("line.separator") // Here be dragons. type P[+A] = Parser[A] private val eoi = """\z""".r // end of input private val separator = eoi | eol override val skipWhitespace = false // Paragraph: Either a long line of free text with the whitespace // stripped out, or a list with whitespace kept in type Line = String type Paragraph = String // Parses an input file def parse(input: String): MiniMDExpr = { val source = val lines = try source.mkString finally source.close() val paragraphs = tokeniseParagraphs(lines) println("Paragraphs:") println(paragraphs + "\n\n") val parsedParagraphs = paragraphs.flatMap((par: Paragraph) => parseParagraph(par)) normalise(MDDoc(parsedParagraphs)) } // Top-level parse function: takes a string, returns a MiniMDExpr. // Throws an error upon failure. def parseParagraph(input: String): List[MiniMDExpr] = { if (input.trim.length == 0) { Nil } else { parseAll(paragraph, input) match { case Success(ast, _) => List(ast) case (e: NoSuccess) => { sys.error(e.msg + ", " + + ", " + Nil } } } } // Given an input string, generates a list of paragraphs def tokeniseParagraphs(input: String): List[Paragraph] = { def isEmptyLine(s: String) = s.trim.length == 0 def isBulletListItem(s: String) = s.startsWith("* ") def isNumberListItem(s: String) = """^\d+\. """.r.findFirstIn(s).isDefined def isListItem(s: String) = isBulletListItem(s) || isNumberListItem(s) def isStartVerbatim(s: String) = s.trim == "{{{" def isEndVerbatim(s: String) = s.trim == "}}}" def isSection(s: String) = s.trim.startsWith("==") def gatherList(isBulleted: Boolean, par: Paragraph, remainder: List[Line]): (Paragraph, List[Line]) = remainder match { case Nil => (par, remainder) case x::xs => if (isBulleted && isBulletListItem(x)) { gatherList(isBulleted, par + x, xs) } else if (!isBulleted && isNumberListItem(x)) { gatherList(isBulleted, par + x, xs) } else if (isEmptyLine(x)) { (par, xs) } else { (par, remainder) } } def gatherParagraph(par: Paragraph, remainder: List[Line]): (Paragraph, List[Line]) = remainder match { case Nil => (par, remainder) case x::xs => if (isEmptyLine(x)) { (par, xs) } else if (isListItem(x) || isStartVerbatim(x)) { (par, remainder) } else { gatherParagraph(par + x.stripLineEnd + " ", xs) } } def gatherVerbatim(par: Paragraph, remainder: List[Line]): (Paragraph, List[Line]) = remainder match { case Nil => (par, remainder) case x::xs => if (isEndVerbatim(x)) { (par + x.trim, xs) } else { gatherVerbatim(par + x, xs) } } def eatEmptyLines(remainder: List[Line]): (List[Line]) = remainder match { case Nil => Nil case x::xs => if (isEmptyLine(x)) { eatEmptyLines(xs) } else { remainder } } def doTokeniseParagraphs(remainder: List[Line]): List[Paragraph] = remainder match { case Nil => Nil case x::xs => if (isEmptyLine(x)) { doTokeniseParagraphs(xs) } else if (isSection(x)) { x.stripLineEnd::(doTokeniseParagraphs(xs)) } else if (isStartVerbatim(x)) { val (par, newRemainder) = gatherVerbatim("", remainder) par::(doTokeniseParagraphs(newRemainder)) } else if (isBulletListItem(x)) { val (par, newRemainder) = gatherList(true, "", remainder) par::(doTokeniseParagraphs(newRemainder)) } else if (isNumberListItem(x)) { val (par, newRemainder) = gatherList(false, "", remainder) par::(doTokeniseParagraphs(newRemainder)) } else { val (par, newRemainder) = gatherParagraph("", remainder) par::(doTokeniseParagraphs(newRemainder)) } } val linesList = input.linesWithSeparators.toList doTokeniseParagraphs(linesList) } def delimitedSequence(delimiter: Char, breakOnNL: Boolean): P[String] = { (rep(delimitedChar(delimiter, breakOnNL)) <~ aChar) ^^ { case seq => seq.mkString } } def num: P[Int] = "[0-9]+".r ^^ { case n => n.toInt } def delimitedChar(delimiter: Char, breakOnNL: Boolean): P[Char] = acceptIf {ch => (ch != delimiter) || (breakOnNL && ch == eol)} {_ => "Delimiter char reached"} def aChar: P[Char] = Parser { in => if (in.atEnd) { Failure("End of input", in) } else { Success(in.first, } } def isDelimiterChar(c: Char): Boolean = c match { case '*' => true case '_' => true case '`' => true case '=' => true case '\r' => true case '\n' => true case '(' => true case '{' => true case _ => false } def bulletedListItem = { ("* " ~> listExpr) <~ eol ^^ { case e => MDListItem(e) } } def bulletedList: P[MiniMDExpr] = { rep1(bulletedListItem) ^^ { case seq => MDBulletedList(seq) } } def numberedListItem: P[MDListItem] = ((num <~ ". ") ~ listExpr) <~ eol ^^ { case (num ~ e) => MDListItem(e) } def numberedList: P[MiniMDExpr] = { rep1(numberedListItem) ^^ { case seq => MDNumberedList(seq) } } def parseDelimiterRun(breakOnNL: Boolean): P[MiniMDExpr] = { ("*" ~> delimitedSequence('*', breakOnNL) ^^ { case str => MDBold(str) }) | ("`" ~> delimitedSequence('`', breakOnNL) ^^ { case str => MDItalic(str) }) | ("_" ~> delimitedSequence('_', breakOnNL) ^^ { case str => MDUnderlined(str) }) } def freeChar: P[Char] = acceptIf {ch => !isDelimiterChar(ch)} {_ => "Delimiter char reached"} // Parse until we hit a delimiter character. def freeText: P[MiniMDExpr] = aChar ~ rep(freeChar) ^^ { case ch ~ xs => MDFreeText((ch::xs).mkString) } def subsectionHeader: P[MiniMDExpr] = ("===" ~> "[^=]+".r <~ "===[ ]*".r) ^^ { case headertxt => MDSubsectionHeader(headertxt.trim) } def sectionHeader: P[MiniMDExpr] = ("==" ~> "[^=]+".r <~ "==[ ]*".r) ^^ { case headertxt => MDSectionHeader(headertxt.trim) } def link: P[MiniMDExpr] = ("(" ~> ("[^)]*".r) <~ ")") ~ ("[" ~> ("[^\\]]*".r) <~ "]") ^^ { case desc~url => MDLink(desc, url) } def verbatim: P[MiniMDExpr] = ("{{{" ~> eol ~> """(?s).*?(?=}}})""".r.unanchored <~ "}}}") ^^ { case vrb => MDVerbatim(vrb) } def listExpr: P[List[MiniMDExpr]] = { rep1((guard(not(eol))) ~> (parseDelimiterRun(true) | freeText)) } def expr: P[MiniMDExpr] = { parseDelimiterRun(false) | link | freeText } def plainPar: P[MiniMDExpr] = { rep1(expr) ^^ { xs => MDPar(xs) } } def paragraph: P[MiniMDExpr] = subsectionHeader | sectionHeader | bulletedList | numberedList | verbatim | plainPar /* Normalisation pass. * We'll get a stream of FreeText / lists / section headers from * the parser. * We want to ensure that if we have two consecutive FreeTexts, * that they're combined into one. */ def normaliseInner(es: List[MiniMDExpr]): List[MiniMDExpr] = es match { case Nil => Nil case MDFreeText(s1)::MDFreeText(s2)::xs => normaliseInner(MDFreeText(s1 ++ s2)::xs) case e::xs => normalise(e)::normaliseInner(xs) } def normalise(e: MiniMDExpr): MiniMDExpr = e match { case MDDoc(xs) => MDDoc(normaliseInner(xs)) case MDPar(xs) => MDPar(normaliseInner(xs)) case MDBulletedList(xs) => MDBulletedList( => normalise(x).asInstanceOf[MDListItem])) case MDNumberedList(xs) => MDNumberedList( => normalise(x).asInstanceOf[MDListItem])) case MDListItem(xs) => MDListItem(normaliseInner(xs)) case e => e } } object Main { def usage() { println("MiniMD formatter version 1.8 (November 19, 2015)") println("Usage: scala CW2.scala ") println(" is the input file name, or RANDOM to generate a random test") println(" is one of \"html\", \"md\" or \"latex\", and defaults to \"md\"") println(" is optional and defaults to \"output\"") } def getInput(infile: String): MiniMDExpr = { if (infile == "RANDOM") { println("Generating random test file...") Rng.genMiniMDExpr(100).get() } else { println("Reading " + infile) MiniMDParser.parse(infile) } } def printToFile(f: => Unit) { val p = new try { op(p) } finally { p.close() } } def writeHtml(outfile:String, html: String) { println("Writing " + outfile) printToFile(new { out => out.write("\n\n\n") out.write(html) out.write("\n\n") } } def writeMd(outfile: String, md: String) { println("Writing " + outfile) printToFile(new { out => out.write(md) } } def writeLatex(outfile: String, latex: String) { println("Writing " + outfile) printToFile(new { out => out.write("\\documentclass{article}\n" + "\\usepackage[colorlinks=true]{hyperref}\n" + "\\begin{document}\n" + "%%% Beginning of MiniMD content\n") out.write(latex) out.write("%%% End of MiniMD content\n" + "\\end{document}\n") } } } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { if (args.length >= 1 ) { val infile = args(0) val mode = if (args.length >= 2) { args(1) } else { "md" } // Check that outfile is one of html, md or latex if (mode == "html" || mode == "md" || mode == "latex") { val parsed = Main.getInput(infile) mode match { case "html" => { println("Generating HTML...") val genHtml = print(HTMLFormatter.format(parsed)) println(genHtml) if (args.length >= 3) { Main.writeHtml(args(2), genHtml) } } case "md" => { println("Generating MiniMD...") val genMd = print(MarkdownFormatter.format(parsed)) println(genMd) if (args.length >= 3) { Main.writeMd(args(2), genMd) } } case "latex" => { println("Generating LaTeX...") val genLatex = print(LatexFormatter.format(parsed)) println(genLatex) if (args.length >= 3) { Main.writeLatex(args(2),genLatex) } } } } else { Main.usage() } } else { Main.usage() } } }