Distributed Systems

Spring 2020.

Basic Information

Instructors: Time/place: Drps page for the course for more details.


  1. Coursework submission instructions are up on Assignment page. .
  2. Piazza forum is up at: https://piazza.com/ed.ac.uk/spring2020/infr11022/home
  3. Time and place of lectures has changed. See above.
  4. Assignment is up on Assignment page. .
  5. There will be no lecture on Jan 14. First lecture will be on Jan 21.


Up on Assignment page.

Lecture slides

  1. Introduction to distributed systems.
  2. Basic algorithms.
  3. Failure detection and leader election.
  4. Time and synchronization.
  5. Logical clocks and ordering. Lamport and vector clocks. Snapshots.
  6. Communication and computing models.
  7. Snapshots and Global states..
  8. Coloring and maximal independent sets.
  9. Termination detection.
  10. Mobile, adhoc and sensor computing.
  11. Coursework assignment.
See a previous edition of course for typical content.

Course structure

Final Exam: 75%. Coursework: 25%.

FEEDBACK: Assignment scores and comments explaining allocation marks. Assignment will be discussed in class. Please use that opportunity to evaluate your understanding.

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