
Feedback includes written feedback (marks and comments) on submitted coursework; verbal feedback on students' performance in tutorials; verbal feedback on students' comprehension in lectures (e.g., ascertained by clickers/voting), etc.

Formative feedback

All students will be given formative feedback during the semester in which the course is taken and in time to be useful in the completion of summative work on the course. Such feedback is at the course and programme level, and includes input of relevance to the course. Formative feed back in this course includes verbal feedback on students' performance in tutorials and verbal feedback on students' comprehension in lectures. Formative feedback feeds explicitly in to subsequent summative assessment on this course, via discussions in tutorial groups and in the course.

Summative feedback

Summative feedback includes written feedback (marks and comments) on submitted courseworks, of which there are 2 during this course.

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