The ARFF data format

Weka wants its input data in ARFF format. This data format is described in section 2.4 of Witten and Frank's book. As probably not everyone has access to this book, I give here a short description:

An example of this data format is the weather data file, copied from Witten and Frank's data mining book:

% The weather data
% This example was copied from Witten and Frank's data mining book

@relation weather

@attribute outlook { sunny, overcast, rainy }
@attribute temperature numeric
@attribute humidity numeric
@attribute windy { TRUE, FALSE }
@attribute play { yes, no }

sunny, 85, 85, FALSE, no
sunny, 80, 90, TRUE, no
overcast, 83, 86, FALSE, yes
rainy, 70, 96, FALSE, yes
rainy, 68, 80, FALSE, yes
rainy, 65, 70, TRUE, no
overcast, 64, 65, TRUE, yes
sunny, 72, 95, FALSE, no
sunny, 69, 70, FALSE, yes
rainy, 75, 80, FALSE, yes
sunny, 75, 70, TRUE, yes
overcast, 72, 90, TRUE, yes
overcast, 81, 75, FALSE, yes
rainy, 71, 91, TRUE, no

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